French Students With Penguins and Foxes

    Date: 08/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, browser, html, linux, microsoft

    Yesterday we commented that Firefox was receiving a push forward into corporate territory from Linux . The term we used was "piggyback". Well, today I read in CNET, that thousands of secondary school students in the French region of Auvergne, will receive CDs containing free and open-source software when they return to school in September.

    The local government of Auverne will distribute 64,000 packs of CDs in an effort to interest students and their families in free and open-source software. Every student between the ages of 15 and 19 attending a school in Auvergne will be given a pack containing two CDs. The first CD contains free software for Microsoft Windows and Apple Computer's Mac OS X, including the office productivity application, the Firefox browser and the GIMP image editing application. The second CD is a Linux Live CD, allowing pupils to try the open source operating system without installing it. The Linux Live CD is based on Kaella, a French derivative of Knoppix.

    Here again, we are before another example of Linux and Firefox walking hand-in-hand. I think this is a good opportunity to promote Firefox among french students and their parents. At the same time, they are exposing themselves to the wide features of Linux. Who said penguins and foxes couldn't live in France?

    To read the complete article, click here:




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