PHP works in a .PHP file but not when it's in a .HTM file

    Date: 04/10/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, apache

    This is driving me nuts! I know it's going to be something really simple, but I just can't work it out.

    Backstory: I've got a fresh install of Fedora FC5 on my server (the previous hard drive went pffzt) and I'm trying to get my WordPress blog running again.

    The problem is I can't seem to get PHP working properly. I've created a tiny HTM test file which doesn't show the PHP content, and yet it's working fine as a pure PHP file.

    I'm adamant the problem must be in the HTTP config but I just can't see what's wrong. How do I tell Apache to process PHP within an HTML file?

    (httpd.conf has virtually all the default settings - I've only added my site info but I've not changed/added/removed any LoadModule lines or anything else like that.)


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