Running php code inside mysql calls

    Date: 04/11/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql

    I'm trying to parse PHP code that is echoed from a MySQL database. Right now, it just prints the php code onto the page--how exactly would I parse this code to actually run? For example, my function would be:

    function image($imagename,$imagealign,$imagecaption)
    { echo "
    "; }

    And I want it to parse this out everytime I'd call the code, using (Keeping in mind that this is stored as text in a MySQL database--which plainly prints the italicized code rather than parses it)

    Also, how do I get the filename of my current file? Say I'm at and I want just "info.php" rather than "blah/info.php"--what code snippet would I use?



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