Question on queries and links

    Date: 05/05/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database, sql

    Hey guys! I'm working on a project for my company, and running into a big of a block. Let's just say I'm a newbie at PHP, but intermediate on SQL.

    The project I'm working on is to create a PHP/SQL system that we can enter outage ticket information into, and then query the database of tickets. I've got the query working, however with all the data that's being put in, it spreads the table way out over to the right and makes me have to scroll to see the rest of the info. Which is a pain.

    What I'd like to do is have it query the information, and in the ticket# field have it hyperlink the # so that people can click the # and it'll query the database for all the information related to that ticket.

    Any thoughts on how to accomplish this easily?



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