Dysfunctional Functions

    Date: 05/05/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Okay... I need some help with functions here. I've read the documentation on php.net, and just when I think I understand functions, I get thrown a curve ball. Here's the situation.

    Lets say I have the following function:

    function DoStuff($var1){

    if($var1 == "z"){
         $x = 1
         return $x
         $x = 2
         return $x;


    Now, lets say I call this function:

    $passedVar = "z";
    echo $x;

    In theory, I should get an echo of "1" ($x)

    But, I do not. $x seems null. Now, as far I know, the variable of $x should be getting passed back to the file that called the function. Am I wrong in my thinking?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/447773.html

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