altering title within body ?

    Date: 05/30/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, xml, java

    Was talking to a fellow programmer today at work and he was saying that there is a function or routine in PHP to alter a title of a page in an include file that has been called AFTER the head tag. But of course, he couldn't remember right off hand how to do it. I wouldn't doubt there's a way to do it though I thought PHP works asynchronously. But maybe not with output (???). This isn't the first time I've heard of it being done. But such a routine would be quite useful when using PHP as a page template with include files (not that that's common or anything ;)

    Generally in the past I've just used but if there's a way to do it within PHP alone, could someone put up such an example or explain how it's done?

    There's a lot of circumstances where it's not just convienent to set all page content in variables, call an include before output then shuffle them into place within different places on the page. I know about the xml_set_processing_instruction()/eval() design and using XML but in many cases that's more work than simply calling a short javascript tag (call me lazy).

    Any enlightenment welcome :)


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