stupid date formatting issue

    Date: 05/31/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Hi all,
    I'm obviously missing something stupid and need a second set of eyes to help proof this, and maybe help me understand something I missed in the docs.  I've got a variable $pCurEvent[ "eventDate" ] that stores a date.  The value in it looks like so: 2006-05-31 00:00:00.000

    and that's correct/valid data.  However I want to just draw the date-part, not the empty time values.  Any variation I've used of date() and getdate() and other things seems to make the date value that gets displayed "roll over".  It only wants to draw "Decmeber 1969", not the correct info.

    Can somebody give me a sanity check and just let me know what I'm doing wrong?  I'm certain it's something stupid, but it's currently 1am and I've been writing so much code over the last few weeks (in 3 different langauges) that I know I'm just not seeing something in PHP that should be obvious.



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