Possible job opening in DC area
Date: 09/07/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: cms, php, css, sql, java, postgresql, web
My employers are in the process of opening up a PHP position in the DC area. The position in question is on a team responsible for developing sites, a CMS and other web tools for several magazines, some of which are relatively high-profile.
At present, I don't have any details regarding salary, etc -- but as far as I can tell, this would be a permanent position, and they do pay well, treat their employees well, and they are growing at what I think is a sustainable clip.
Skills I know we'll be looking for:
PHP (5+, some OO preferred, Zend Framework a plus)
Javascript (we'll be using the jQuery library)
DBA skills a big plus
Red Hat skills a plus
This is just a heads-up for the moment -- I'll put the actual job-posting here when it is approved, but for now if you're in the area and are looking for an opportunity, now would be a good time to dust off the old resume and update it.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/493370.html