open source Email class/system

    Date: 09/08/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: css, html, web, spam

         Instead of trying to roll my own solution, anyone know of a reliable IMAP/POP mail reader to be used in the back end of a website.  What I am doing is dedicating a email account on the server to receiving incoming articles.  On the command of the web Admin or a crontab script, the email's would be parsed/validated, with emails not from another account on the website being ignored, and then checking for something like "@PASSWORD='password'" on the first line.  If thats passes, any embedded, attached img's would be parsed into jpg/png, the email body would be copied into a .htm file, and then authorized by the web admin.

    The reason for doing this is that a lot of the content writers are clueless about HTML/CSS so I want to make it really easy for them to be able to publish articles onto the website using something simple like a email client as a WYSIWYG editor.   I am going to use a fairly long email account name to try and avoid random spam and put in filter to reject any email that doesn't originate from the same server.  Otherwise I am putting the KCEditor in the admin section as a another way of writing up articles.


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