Books, PHP, and OOP.

    Date: 11/16/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, programming, mysql, database, sql, web

    So I wanted an opinion on some books. I consider myself very well... dumb, in PHP. I can write simple backends to manage website content, upload files, screw with databases... but while loops, for statements, classes... they scare me.

    In an effort to expand my knowledge of PHP I recently purchased two books:

    Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL (2nd Edition) by O'Reilly
    Object-Oriented PHP: Concepts, Techniques, and Code by Peter Lavin

    And the only purpose of this post is to see if any of you have opinions on these books, or suggestions for what I could do to begin obtaining a more robust handle on PHP programming. Because honestly... I'd rather code PHP than design another club flyer.


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