A matter of preference:

    Date: 12/10/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Here's a question that I'm assuming everyone has an answer to:
    What is your preferred method of variable/function naming?

    Do you prefer to use underscores when separating words or would you rather use capital letters?
    Do you capitalize the first letter of them in addition?

    I'm mainly asking this because I'm trying to find my niche and I'd like to hear everyone's input.
    Originally, I used underscores to separate my words (i.e. - $my_variable_name), but as you can see, it adds length to the name. I'm trying my luck with capital letters (i.e. - $myVariableName), but I don't know how I feel about variables that end with "id" ($customerId)...I feel like that looks a bit strange.

    So what do you think? I'm interested in hearing everything you have to say.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/519267.html

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