curl options

    Date: 12/11/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: html, asp

    i use curl to talk to our local mls system (EXCITING!). this is the relevant part of the function i use to, in this case, perform a search:

    when i run a script that uses this function, i get

    # Netscape HTTP Cookie File
    # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. FALSE / FALSE 0 RETS-Session-ID blah1019181817161514131211zzzzz


    i know this is really nitpicky, but is there anyway to suppress the, "Netscape HTTP Cookie File," stuff (while still using the cookie i've generated)? i'm not echo'ing anything ever, it just spits that out to the console everytime the function fires... and uh, i don't like it.


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