Fork a process on Windows (php)

    Date: 01/18/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    I have two scripts: The first checks adirectory for data files several times an hour. If data files arefound, a second script is called to process each data file. The secondscript is time intensive and if there are multiple files to process I'msure to encounter timeout issues (and I don't want to increase my phptimeout to unreasonable levels)

    (fwiw, the second script does not involve repeated MySQL queries (onlyone read per file), it's just text parsing but there is a LOT of text.Perl is not an option at this point. I'm using ereg instead of thebuilt-in php str functions to help ease the load on the cpu).

    So -- is there a way to fork (or spawn) a new php process in a windows environment? 

    Many thanks,


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