another host post!

    Date: 03/19/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, hosting

    regarding my previous problem, i called 1and1 and they said there's no way to get my databases on the same server. whatever process creates your databases through their control panel actually goes out of its way to distribute them on different servers. the only way around this - to exceed the 100mb limit or have multiple db's on the same server - is to rent your own server on a dedicated hosting plan for a minimum of $99/month. no thanks!

    so i'm going to switch hosts. i need a host that doesn't limit database sizes beyond overall storage limits, and allows ssh access even with their cheap accounts. cron jobs would be nice but aren't necessary. php5 and mysql and a few gb's of storage.

    i don't want to use dreamhost because i've heard too many bad things.


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