Parse Error Troubles

    Date: 03/20/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I'm working on transferring my game over to Smarty and have been coming across a multitude of problems (mostly old/deprecated code). This is the latest parse error that I can't figure out.

    Parse error
    : syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /opt/lampp/htdocs/account_options.php on line 68

    Line 68 is the line break after:

        $multipleinstance = "password";

    Any help is always appreciated

    $verifylogin = "yes";

    // Get some information on their account.
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$_MB->db_name.".accounts WHERE id = '".$_SESSION["account_id"]."'";
    $res = mysql_query($sql, $_MB->connection) or die(mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
        $account_name = $row["name"];
        $account_email = $row["email"];
        $account_password = $row["password"];
        $account_bday = $row["birth_day"];
        $account_bmonth = $list["month"][$row["birth_month"]];
        $account_byear = $row["birth_year"];
        $user_aim = $row["aim"];
        $user_icq = $row["icq"];
        $user_msn = $row["msn"];
        $user_yahoo = $row["yahoo"];

    if ($_POST["chgpassword"])
        $currentpassword = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["currentpassword"]);
        $newpassword = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["newpassword"]);
        $retypepassword = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["retypepassword"]);
        $newpasslength = strlen($newpassword);
        $md5currentpassword = md5($currentpassword);
        $md5newpassword = md5($newpassword);

        if (!$currentpassword || $currentpassword == '')
            $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "You must enter in a password.");
        if (!$newpassword || $newpassword == '')
            $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "You must enter in a password.");
        if (!$retypepassword || $retypepassword == '')
            $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "You must enter in a password.");
        if ($newpasslength < 5)
            $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "Your new password must be more than five (5) characters.");
        if ($newpassword != $retypepassword)
            $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "Your passwords must match.");
        if ($md5currentpassword != $account_password)
            $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "You did not type in your current password.");

        $sql = "UPDATE ".$_MB->db_name.".accounts SET password = '".$md5newpassword."' WHERE id = '".$_SESSION["account_id"]."'";
        mysql_query($sql, $_MB->connection) or die(mysql_error());

        $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "You have successful changed your password.");

    if ($_POST["chgprotocols"])
        $user_aim = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["useraim"]);
        $user_icq = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["usericq"]);
        $user_msn = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["usermsn"]);
        $user_yahoo = $_MB->removeoddchars($_POST["useryahoo"]);

        $sql = "UPDATE $dbname.accounts SET aim = '".$useraim."', icq = '".$usericq."', msn = '".$userms."', yahoo = '".$useryahoo."' WHERE id = '".$_SESSION["account_id"]."'";
        mysql_query($sql, $_MB->connection) or die(mysql_error());

        $_MB->redirectuser("account_options.php", "You have successful changed your messaging protocols.");

    // Allow for multiple instances of resultmessage().
    if ($_SESSION["msg"] == "You have successful changed your messaging protocols.")
        $multipleinstance = "messaging";
        $multipleinstance = "password";



                                Change My Password

    // Display result message and kill the msg cookie.
    if ($multipleinstance == "password") echo $_MB->resultmessage();

    Current Password:
    New Password:





                                Account Details


    Account Name:
    Birth Date:





                                Messaging Protocols

    // Display result message and kill the msg cookie.
    if ($multipleinstance == "messaging") echo $_MB->resultmessage();







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