Cache Library

    Date: 03/20/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, software

    I'm looking for a caching library for PHP Output.

    I've used Smarty in the past, and I'm looking for something with the flexibility of the Smarty caching. The particular feature is the group id's.

    With Smarty you can, for example, cache article.php for a specific article for a specific user by using a cache id like "article|$articleid|$userid". Then when the article is edited, you can clear the cache for all users by doing clear cache with a cache id of "article|$articleid", it then understands that all the many versions cached per user are the same thing and removes that cache too.

    However, the software this is for does not use, and won't be changed to use Smarty. But I need that kind of control over caching. I've not managed to find a lib that implements this kind of thing. PEAR::Cache and PEAR::Cache_Lite don't for a start.

    Can anyone suggest anything?


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