wow. just wow.

    Date: 05/08/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: css, html, database

        I've run into a bit of a problem at work. I thought I'd share as a good example of what not to do. We generate these e-signature contracts for clients. No biggie right? HA. They get the values and slap em in a bigass table, then they take all that HTML and put it in the database. In case you don't already know, this is a really bad idea. Today they wanted me to change up some of the layout and I said sure and went looking for the css, only to find HTML generated by Frontpage 4.0 stuck in a database table. I can't do anything with it. All they had to do was save the values in the db and print it out in an html page. Sorry if I'm ranting, but I want to stress that this is really stupid and nobody should even consider doing something this way.


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