Using something other then preg_match?

    Date: 05/11/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Hey all, I am trying to parse large amounts of text into easier to read (and deal with) bits. The problem I am having is the text is repeating and I need to keep track of what belongs to what. An example might explain better as I am up later then normal beating my head against the keyboard. The text would be something like the following:

    Name: Person1 at Number: Number1
    Spouse: Spouse1
    Address: Address1

    Name Person2 at Number: Number2
    Address: Address2

    So I need to keep track that Spouse1 belongs to Person1 and so on. And sometimes there might not be a Spouse field so I can't just do a large match including the multiple lines. Also if it matters the person is cut/pasting this info into a text area and posting it back to the same php, but I have that part worked out with a simple code below, if you have any better ideas on it as well fill free to share.



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