
    Date: 08/04/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I've got some recursive code at work that runs through a hash tree. The tree has two levels. I have it setup so that if the script dies, I can start it off were it died by running through the entire tree again until it gets to the starting point, at which point it starts running my process.

    Well there's a problem with this, it runs just fine and dandy, but once it finishes processing the "eca" directory, the script dies. There are no error messages, nothing in /var/log/messages and it's not running out of memory (or swapping for that matter).

    I echo'd the elements of the first level hash to see if it was even getting to "ecb", and it stopped echoing items after "eca".

    Is there some sort of conflict with PHP and the "ecb" directory? I can access it just fine in the filesystem. It's permissions are correct, and all of its contents are valid.

    I spent all day on this at work, and myself and all my coworkers at stumped at it.

    Have I found a PHP bug? It's probably not worth reporting because PHP 4 got it's EOL.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/579250.html

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