PDF woes

    Date: 08/08/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, linux

    Ok there are way to many ways to do this and I am getting behind schedule so here we go:
    -There is a lovely form (as it stands now in HTML); I want people to enter in data and then when they press submit a PDF is generated on the box and saved for later review by the client.
    The end form is going to run on a Linux box with PHP that has limited access (think little to no console access).

    Fpdf looked like the best choice but I do not want to build the PDF file if need be ( I can make it now via Acrobat Pro). That and I have found 0 examples (I live by them) that incorporates (and works!) HTML form work, $POST and FPDF.

    In Acrobat Pro I can make a form, put a submit button and then give it an action; then it can magically export the data as FDF, HTML, XFDF or PDF. Horrible shame that there is no documentation to show how to catch it on the server side (email links assume the user has a email client on their machine).

    At this point I just want this over and done; any hints or help?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/579519.html

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