I have a speed question….

    Date: 08/20/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I’m writing a semi complicated (to me!) piece of code that will take input from a user (Form), and depending on what had been entered, do something with it.

    I’d like to put it all in a single page of code.

    So I thought I should use a switch statement(s) rather than a long complicated line of IF ELSE type statements.

    Does that sound like a good idea?


    If the php code gets pretty long, is it OK to put all this into a single page? 
    Or will the page become slow to load?  
    (Worded another way---If the conditional returns a FALSE, does it skip to the next conditional, or read every line anyway?)

    Thank you!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/580640.html

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