Date: 08/21/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: html, web

    a client of mine (a politican) wants to be able to take donations using their account, i've never done this before. :)

    i found this open-source script:

    and it seems to do the trick just fine on my unix-based host, and is actually pretty well done (easy to edit) etc, but when i upload it to the client's host, which is windows-based (yeah, i know) it won't connect to the payment bridge.

    the script mentions this if you don't get a response from the host:

    // 1) You may not be https or a secure connection to Authoriznet (SSL)
    // 2) It could also mean that you are not using port 443, the port
    required by Authorizenet
    // 3) You may not have the proper version of CURL installed that support SSL
    // 4) Curl may not be initialized
    // 5) Also, Apple OSX Server has a preference in the Web Server that
    defaults to "enable
    // performance cache" and this seems to throw requests to other ports rather
    // than their default assigned ones. Disable "performance cache" and
    restart the Web server.

    i know #1 is correct because I'm using the shared ssl but i'm not sure about the others.

    the response from the client's host was less than helpful.


    Unfortunatley we cannot offer any further advice on how to get to work with our system.

    Our system does work with, however what permissions/
    changes need to be done to get it to work, I cannot say.

    I can confirm thatcURL 7.95 is installed on the server as well as the
    port 443 is being used for the shared ssl. We are a Windows operating
    system network and so the Apple Server would not apply.

    You may wish to see if you need a ssl certificate that has the domain
    name on it to work with

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.


    i'm pretty much at a loss here. any help/insights would be appreciated as i don't think this client will want to switch hosts.

    maybe an easier way to take donations?


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