More RegEx

    Date: 12/12/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I had some assistance on here a week or so ago about replacing some text (which might be optional), and at first appeared to work. I modified slightly what I was was given to this result (the bullets you see are actually the output of the ascii equivalent):

    $rec = preg_replace('/•\s*(.*?)(?:\s*)?\s*(?:\r?\n)/i', '


    ', $rec);

    So, when I use this regex in a query output to filter all records that may look like this:

    • Item 1

    • Item 2

    • Item 3

    it should turn into:

    • Item 1

    • Item 2

    • Item 3

    However, it seems to omit the first line search, so that I only get:

    • Item 2

    • Item 3

    Where in the regex can I change this so it doesn't omit anything?


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