Php backend setup?

    Date: 12/12/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    I want to make a site with adobe flex 2 as the GUI and then have php and mysql for the server side of things. I have been converting lots of my code over to take more advantage of OOP and am really liking the new feel of it all. Now my question is this, when actionscript/flex sends info to php, what is the best way to capture it?

    There are several ways I can think to set this up. I have several small files like login.php and getUser.php or even saveUser.php. ie, basically a php file for most of the commands I want to be able to deal with, but it seems like alot of files and kind of a waste of time. But then I could have one php file and pass in a mode variable which would allow that one .php file to have multiple funcitons. In the end, I do want all of the data verification to be done on the server side and the interface to do very little other than display the data. I want to be able to swap out the front end without having to redo the back end.

    This is my first time trying a N-Tier setup and just want to bypass any long and painful learning curves. Thanks.


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