hosting question

    Date: 02/21/08 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, hosting

    i have a new client that moved their site from a good but expensive hosting company to a not so good but inexpensive one. the reason was just price. the expensive one was $300 a month, the inexpensive $100 a year. their site is written in php with a mysql database. they are using about 7.5 megs of their database. the problem, of course, is performance: response is ridiculously slow, they are having form problems, et al. now my question. does anyone here know of any decently good hosting companies that i could recommend to my client? they need a switch, but i don't think they want to go back to the one that is $300 a month. usually i deal with very small sites, so i don't know any myself that can manage all this data. thanks for any help you guys can provide, this community is great :o)


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