The Future Of Social Networking

    Date: 02/22/08 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords


    0. Introduction.

    Almost three years ago, I started the Appleseed Project as a way to start experimenting with the idea of distributed social networking. Armed with enough hubris and naivete to think I could build it alone, I coded and coded until I got to the point I am now: With a project that stands at around 75% complete, it functions as a sort of proof-of-concept for distributed social networking in general. I've learned a lot, however, about the technological hurdles and impact that a truly open and distributed social networking platform could provide.

    I'm writing this as a way to present my ideas and what I've learned in the hopes that an open and distributed solution becomes the direction that social networking takes. Although I would be happiest to see Appleseed succeed, I'd be excited to see any open and distributed social networking solution be adopted and replace the walled gardens that currently dot the internet landscape.

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    (note: please digg this up if you have a account!)


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