email attachments in php mail forms ...

    Date: 04/14/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, virus, web

    Is it possible to have a visitor to my website send me an attachment using PHP?

    I am working on an idea from my website which would require anonymity from my intended visitors.
    I want them to be able to send me a small image file, without having to use their email address and therefore remain unknown.

    Is this do-able?
    If it is ... can I specify which kind of files can not be attached (and bypass any gits who try and send viruses)?

    If it can't be done, I might have to use whichh seems to be anonymous for the sender.

    *edited note* as it is when I get an email form sent via my site, it comes back with the email address "" because I don't ask people to specify - I think it just grabs this from my site somehow. I'm not smart enough to know the how, or why, but I know that is always the email address used when I get my forms back.


« Forms that email - help? || get file from remote site... »

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