Book recommendations?

    Date: 04/26/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, database, sql, web

    I'm trying to do some really wacky stuff with a form.

    Essentially, I'm reading in multiple columns from a table in a MySQL database (looping, obviously), and creating a form as I present the data. The challenge this presents is that for each loop, the form values have to have a unique identifier, so I'm trying to use variables. It's not working so well, but I'm using standard HTML to try to process the form. I've gleaned bits and pieces searching the web that PHP has its own method to handle form input.

    So, I need a good book that has a lot of detail on how to work with forms. A good web resource would work too.

    Thanks in advance!

    This is a quick mockup of the code and how I'm presenting the form...

    So, in theory here, each loop should give a unique value to each form element. I just need to know how to process it. I'm writing selected data back into a seperate table, so I need to loop through the results and write them out.

    Again, help is appreciated!


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