Numerical Underflow

    Date: 06/24/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I'm doing some calculations in php, and seem to be having a problem with either overflow, or underflow (small # gets rounded to 0). It works for some values, but for others, gives me a huge number, usually in the billions. Is it possible in php to specify the use of a higher precision datatype, or how else can I avoid this problem in php?

    This is the function which seems to be causing the problem:

    //calculate the distance between two latitude, logitude coordinates. +ve is N,E
    function latlonradiandistance($lat1,$lon1, $lat2,$lon2){
    $r = 6378100; //radius of earth in meters
    return acos(cos($lat1)*cos($lon1)*cos($lat2)*cos($lon2) + cos($lat1)*sin($lon1)*cos($lat2)*sin($lon2) + sin($lat1)*sin($lat2)) * $r;


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