calling out to the Shell on Windows XP (IIS)
Date: 07/21/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php
I’m working on a project that is running on PHP (4.3.9) on windows IIS. I am trying to use the system command (or backticks) to call out to the imagemagick convert program to scale an image. So far it is not working and I have no idea why. It worked when I developed it on Mac OS X but when I uploaded it to the server running XP it does not work nor does it give me any error message.
The command line I ma using is this:
D:/Program\ Files/ImageMagick-6.2.3-Q16/convert.exe -antialias -geometry 80x104 “upload/00002_Eggs_Shell.jpeg” “icons/00002.jpg”
I have tried it with backslashes as well as forward slashes and in a number of other combinations. So far nothing works. I have checked that the program does have the ability to write the output file and that the input file exists. But the command never seems to run.
I have tried using system($cmd), exec($cmd) and `$cmd`
Thanks for any help