sorting archives by month

    Date: 10/11/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: database

    I want to pull information on 'archives' from a database - I need to show each month that content was added and how many posts there are.

    October, 05: 1 posts
    September, 05: 5 posts
    August, 05: 4 posts

    ..and so on. I thought KNOW I'd figured it out before and got it working but I must have changed something because (before I 'lost' the code) I got the months times by amount of posts:

    # October, 05
    # September, 05
    # September, 05
    # September, 05
    # September, 05
    # September, 05
    # August, 05
    # August, 05
    # August, 05
    # August, 05

    ..and so on.

    The month is stored in a 'normal' date format (YYYY-MM-DD). Any help would be appreciated, ask if you need more info from me. I don't have the original code I was working on (I have to start from scratch) so please don't ask, sorry :(

    SOLVED Thanks :D


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