is_dir trouble

    Date: 10/27/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm trying to write a small script for a friend that will list all of the directories contained in a directory. My function currently looks like this:

    function displayDir($dir)
     $dh  = opendir($dir);
     while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
        $files[] = $filename;
     echo "

    "; foreach($files as $dirName) { if(is_dir($dirName)) echo $dirName . "
    \n"; } echo "

    \n"; }

    When I call the function like so displayDir(getcwd()); it displays all of the directories correctly. However when I try displayDir("test"); (test is a valid directory on my server which contains 11 other directories) is only reutrns back the . .. and one other directory. I've tried taking out the is_dir condition and it returns all of the files located in test just fine. Any idea what's up?


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