Timestamps and Me!

    Date: 10/28/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay... here's my situation:

    I have to write a function that will give me the timestamp of a specific date whether it be past or present.  For example, if I wanted the timestamp of Dec 4, 1997 (as an example), I need to build a function that will give me the timestamp of that date.

    Now, I spent the greater part of yesterday trying to figure out the logic for this, and I came across a lot of problems dealing with calculating leap years and whatnot.  If anyone has any tips as to how to accomplish this easier, it'd be very helpful.

    Nevermind... I'm an idiot. mktime() FTW

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/360068.html

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