A simple, customizable frontend script for a database?

    Date: 02/23/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: database, web

    Hi, I have such a simple question-
    What is a simple, customizable frontend script that I can use for a website I'm building at work?

    We are a health access organization, and our website features a provider database. Unfortunately, I can't find a good script that does what I need. DaDaBik is EXACTLY what I want, but the server the site is on does not have magic_quotes enabled, so it won't work.

    Basically, I need to be able to:

    - search
    - add records
    - customize it completely to blend in with the site

    Any help or ideas you have would be great! Thanks in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/417786.html

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