Date: 02/24/06
(PHP Community) Keywords: no keywords
Im having a problem trying to display a PNG image
what im trying to do is have a background image, with certain width, being transparent, everything seems to work except two things...
whenever I try to load an image with creeateimagefromjpeg, it gives me errors saying that 'filename is not a valid jpeg image. but when i display createimagefromgif, for gif images, they show, but not all of them
I have an array of filenames of gifs & jpegs that loops through, and uses imagecopymerge, and it only shows the first image of every row
(say theres three rows of images being placed onto the big transparent background image)
I have a copy of the code Im using here...
and sometimes, the text being displayed to seems to change after three of four text placements
Also, I have another script here
that is creating imagecreatefromjpeg but just one time, not through a Loop
someone please help me fix this, been at this for days, and I need this for work!!!