help..please...adding dynamic links

    Date: 03/27/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html

    Hi everyone

    I am a PHP novice. I'm the first to admit that. I've been working on this script for 2 days. I finally got it to display the table that I need. (yes, all that work to display my table - long story) but now I need to create a clickable link to take the user to a field specific page. Let me show what I mean

    LJ ate my code up so I saved it as a TXT file and put it here -

    In the row with 'cust_PO' output, I need to create a link that works like this - (or HTML) that goes specifically to the page for that purchase order number ie. 5555. Help? Please? pretty please?

    Thank you in advance.


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