Looking for a Good Contact Form Script

    Date: 03/27/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, web, spam

    I'm pretty new to PHP, meaning I stick to scripts that other people write :P

    Anyway, I'm using a PHP script for a contact form on my website. However, I sometimes get emails from various non-existing email addresses on my domain, so I'm thinking that spammers are using my contact form to send out spam :(

    Does anyone know of a contact form script that prevents spammers from doing that? Preferably a script that allows me to choose which fields are required and which aren't and also makes sure that whatever is entered in the email field actually contains the @ sign.

    Hope I explained it well enough and that someone out there is able to help. Because I would hate to think that my domain is being used to email spam :[

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/431379.html

« help..please...adding... || completely and utterly stumped »

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