1. USPS international shipping API

    Date: 07/04/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Does anyone know if the USPS international shipping price calculator API has changed? Requests I send consistently return an error. More .

    			Unable to calculate international postage

    The request I'm sending is as follows:

    This worked until about a month ago. Rumours of changes to the API on May 14th abound, but I can't find any solid information.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/574782.html

  2. PHP Market share anyone know?

    Date: 07/04/07     Keywords: php, programming, html, web

    Does anyone know a web site that shows the market share of php versus the other main web languages? The only one i could find is one based on book sales:(


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/574702.html

  3. Cookies and staying logged in

    Date: 07/03/07     Keywords: security

    I was thinking of how to add a "always keep me logged in on this computer" function for my users when logging in. First I figured just putting the password and username would be good enough, then I relised the security implications of that and I'm out of ideas...

    What ways do other projects use?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/574461.html

  4. Bummer

    Date: 07/02/07     Keywords: php

    By inquiry months ago on the forum I asked for advice on who to host with. Seemed like Dreamhost was one of the #1 suggestions. Got everything set up then was knocked back when I found out they aren't even on PHP 5! (Ack! had scripts relying on that)

    So let me try to rephrase my question: anybody have any host suggestions with servers up to date???

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/574139.html

  5. Appleseed Release Version 0.7.2

    Date: 07/01/07     Keywords: web, hosting, spam

    The latest version of Appleseed (0.7.2) is now available. This version adds further functionality to the photo component, "tagging" functionality, and the ability for administrators to "trust" or "block" other nodes. A simple configuration page has also been added to the administration section for first time users.

    The source code for this release can be downloaded at:


    If you're looking to set up a test site, I would recommend using Dreamhost.com. I currently use them for hosting appleseedproject.org and Appleseed is sure to work if installed on one of their shared accounts.

    Appleseed is doing three things that are very cutting edge for the web:

    1. Distributed Social Networking - Taking social networking away from massive, monolithic sites like MySpace and Friendster and distributing it across potentially thousands of sites that all work together.

    2. Single Sign On - Similar to OpenID, Appleseed's single sign on focuses on end-user ease of use. If you have a login for one appleseed site, then you can log in using your appleseed address (for example, michael.chisari@appleseedproject.org) to authenticate you for any other appleseed site. More on OpenID is available at http://openid.net/

    3. Sender-Stores messaging: Based loosely on the IM2000 proposal, a Sender Stores system seeks to add accountability as a means to reducing and possibly eliminating spam. More on IM2000 is available at: http://www.im2000.org/

    If you would like an invite to the test site (http://appleseedproject.org), just let me know and I'll send you an email.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/573716.html

  6. Heredoc making me feel dumb

    Date: 06/27/07     Keywords: no keywords

    The offending code:

    $checkbox_markup = <<



    When I take it out, the script is fine. When it's in, I get an "unexpected $end" error for the last line of the file.

    The HEREDOC; bit isn't indented, and I don't know what else could be going wrong here. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/573497.html

  7. GD Question

    Date: 06/24/07     Keywords: php, web, linux


    I'm trying to install GD, I run Debian Linux on my web server. I keep reading that it comes pre installed with PHP 4.3+, but for some reason I'm not finding it already installed on my system.

    How do I find out if I already have it (I could have sworn that I had already installed it about a year ago, but just did loads of updates recently), make it work, or install it and then make it work?

    Here's my phpinfo() if that helps.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/573384.html

  8. Web Based Image Archiving Software?

    Date: 06/21/07     Keywords: cms, php, software

    Hey all, I'm looking for some kind of PHP-based image archiving software.

    I need to be able to upload images to it, and assign keywords or other kinds of data to each picture.

    Has anyone here worked with any such application. Open source, or otherwise?


    Edit: Specifically, I need to be able to create arbitrary fields that describe each picture. Most CMS and photo gallery systems only allow you to assign a name, description, and keywords to a photo. I would like to be able to add things such as category, sub category, dominant color, to each image.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/572892.html

  9. Automated System-Wide Security Audit

    Date: 06/20/07     Keywords: php, security

    Hello Friends

    I needed a unit test that would tell me if all files in a given directory contained a call to a specific function within the first few lines. This function's purpose was to reassure me that all files are being properly authenticated.

    The function had to provide a whitelist feature. It makes use of common Unix commands and has been tested in Cygwin on the command line.

    I was pretty happy with my results, and thought I might share them.

    Constructive criticism very welcome.

    167     public function test_file_security() {
    168         $admin_search_path = '../admin/';
    169         $user_search_path = '../users/';
    170         $search_target = 'Util::validate_user';
    172         //The grep expression matches the ==> arrow returned by xargs
    173         //It also matches calls to the search target preceeded by zero or more whitespace characters only                                                  
    174         $grep_command = "grep -E \"(==>|^([ ]+)?$search_target)\"";                                                                                        
    176         $command = "find $admin_search_path $user_search_path -maxdepth 1 -name \"*.php\" -print0 | xargs -0 head -n 3 | $grep_command";
    177         //echo $command;
    179         $security_info = array();
    180         $unsecured_files = '';
    182         $whitelist = array(
    183             $admin_search_path . 'index.php',
    184             $admin_search_path . 'login_page_bottom.php',
    185             $admin_search_path . 'login_page_top.php'
    186         );
    188         exec($command, $security_info, $return_val);
    190         $this->assertTrue($return_val === 0);
    191         $this->assertTrue(count($security_info) > 0);
    193         //echo print_r($security_info, TRUE) . "\n";
    194         //echo print_r($return_val, TRUE) . "\n";
    196         for ($i = 0; $i < count($security_info); $i++) {
    197             //Strip out arrows returned by xargs
    198             $current_token = trim(ereg_replace('([ <])?==([ >])?', '', $security_info[$i]));
    199             $next_token = trim(@$security_info[$i + 1]);
    201             if (preg_match("/$search_target/", $current_token) > 0) {
    202                 //Skip non-file tokens
    203                 continue;
    204             }   
    205             elseif (array_search($current_token, $whitelist) !== FALSE) {
    206                 //Skip whitelisted files
    207                 continue;
    208             }   
    209             elseif ((empty($next_token)) || ((preg_match("/$search_target/", $next_token) == 0))) {
    210                 $unsecured_files .= $current_token . "\n";
    211             }
    212         }
    214         $security_issue_found = (empty($unsecured_files)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    215         echo ($security_issue_found) ? "\n\n$unsecured_files\n" : '';
    217         $this->assertFalse($security_issue_found);
    218     }   
    219 }

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/572617.html

  10. MySQL password management

    Date: 06/14/07     Keywords: web

    I am one of 4 developers that maintain about 60+ websites of varying size and complexity... Generally things are okay, but recently in the last month we changed the passwords for one of the centralized DB servers and its naturally causing some problems. So I was wondering how other people handle updating en mass, individual websites when something mission critical like the DB credential changes.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/572210.html

  11. http or https - is there a _SERVER var for this?

    Date: 06/13/07     Keywords: php, apache

    Not sure if this goes here or in apache..

    Is there a $_SERVER variable for protocol?

    Sorry, RTFM and found that protocol is available via $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] in php 4.1 and above.. BUT that returns HTTP/1.1 regarless of HTTP or HTTPS.

    So to check for HTTPS KernelM suggests using $_SERVER['HTTPS'], and look for an empty value for HTTP or 'on' for HTTPS. (works perfectly) Thanks! :o)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/572033.html

  12. Weird characters

    Date: 06/13/07     Keywords: html

    I have a script that collects information from a form and sends it to my account. I formatted it with a nice "Thanks for your submission" message. It mostly is all fine, but I noticed today that a strange "! " has shown up in the email. Can anyone tell me why?

    Here is the code:

    $today=date("d M Y");

    Date of submission: $today


    Contact information
    Contact: $contactname
    Institute: $institution
    Mailing address: $address
    Telephone #: $phone
    Fax #: $fax
    Email: $email
    BII Contact person: $biiperson
    BII contact email: $biiemail


    Project information
    Number of travelers: $numtravel
    Duration: $duration
    Budget: $budget
    Related project: $project


    Purpose: $purpose


    Itinerary: $itinerary


    Objectives: $objectives



    We have received your BII Travel Support Application. Please also complete the http://biistate.net/files/TravelerInformation.doc\">Traveler Information form and send it to travel@biistate.net. Applications are reviewed every month. You will be notified by email of the results of your application.

    The BII Review Committee";
            echo $project;
    mail ("email@email.com","Travel support request", "$project","From: $email\n"."MIME-Version: 1.0\n"."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");

    This is what the paragraph from the email looks like:

    We have received your BII Travel Support Application. Please also complete the Traveler Information form and send it to email@email.com. Applications are reviewed every month. You will be notified by email of the results of your applicatio! n.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/571282.html

  13. PHP issue on Windows server

    Date: 06/13/07     Keywords: php, security, web

    Windows 2003 server with the latest updates
    PHP v5.2.0

    I have the following setup:



    there are logons names in there which is linked to their account, i.e. when they log on via FTP, they go straight to their directory, i.e.


    Each directory have the security set to their own account, i.e.


    Recently, one of the user did something naughty and wrote an code where they can see someone else's directory and put some ranmdom generated files in there. The code in question is;

    &opFile = "./../username1/hello" . & random . ".txt";

    Obviously I'm not going to post the full code but this should be a start.

    As you can see, the user managed to wrote some files in someone else's directory, even that their security setup doesn't allow it, which I suspect is part of a 'system' account. However under the "D" drive, there is no "SYSTEM" account in there, it has been totally removed. The only thing left are


    and the D:\FTPRoot\Data has the security setup as:

    FTP User Admin (FTP admin acess for webmasters)
    Internet Guest Account

    In php.ini I also have these line:

    disable_functions = "phpinfo, passthru, system, popen, escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd"

    But it is not working.

    So, what am I missing and how do I stop these pesky user from doing this?

    Many thanks

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/571097.html

  14. Problem with checkboxes

    Date: 06/13/07     Keywords: php, html

    Hi all,

    I'm developing a little php script and am having problems with checkboxes. I'm doing all processing in one php file, and need to reprint the form with checkboxes checked if there are errors. I'm able to correctly pull which of the checkboxes were selected upon submission, but somehow when I print "checked=" (either true or false), they ALL get checked. The resulting HTML shows correctly, and I tested the HTML theory without the PHP so I'm thinking this is the correct way to do it, but it's not working and starting to tick me off...

    You can see what I mean in this script here:

    $sp = $ _ POST['sports']; //spaces added for lj only
    $the_sports = array("baseball", "basketball", "football", "hockey");

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($the_sports); $i++)
       $ck = (in_array($the_sports[$i], $sp)) ? "true" : "false";

  15. $the_sports[$i] ($ck)
  16. ");

    ETA: So, it does work when I change it to print checked="checked" if true and nothing otherwise, but I'm still confused as to why my pure HTML (with checked true/false) worked and yet this code acts up. Maybe it was a problem on my HTML testing, but really, it worked...

    This one here clearly isn't the most sophisticated php script (although its actual intention will have a real use), but I would like to know (a) what I'm doing wrong in this instance, and (b) how the rest of you usually handle forms and checkboxes.

    Thanks for your help!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/570711.html

  17. JS Problem

    Date: 06/09/07     Keywords: php, java

    I'm having trouble pulling dynamic data from an array in JavaScript. Now I know in PHP you can use curly braces to escape a variable name, so you can have ${$other_var}, and I am sure that something similar exists for JavaScript, I just can't seem to find it.

    So I've got my JavaScript array (placed at the bottom of my page).
        Restoration[1]["Revive"] = new Array("9", "../images/icons/revive.jpg", "Revive", "1", "Spell brings back Dead as Recruits. Targets a single unit type. Revives 1000 to 2000 dead. Costs 100 mana.", "0", "2");

    My function that's supposed to be pulling the array:
        function skill_details(tree, pos, skill)
            var id = tree[pos][skill][0];

    And the call to the function, with the pointers to the proper array, and sub-dimension.
        skill_details('Restoration', '1', 'Revive');

    Any help? I'm pretty sure that there's sometime similar to ${$other_var} for JavaScript, if not, what can I do?

    Thanks for the help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/570332.html

  18. HELP - problem finding errors

    Date: 06/08/07     Keywords: php, programming, css, html, database, java

    Hi there,

    i'm having a problem with a site i'm working on. i'm a media student and one of our many subjects is system design, meaning we learn about java, python, php and more languages. i'm not the programmer person, and the subjects i like better in my studies are the design ones, so natuarlly i'm having major problems understanding and doing programming.

    i know that i'm not the worst in it either, but with this exercise i've come to my limits. it's pretty simple. we started with making a layout using css, but then we had to add php code and a database to it so as to add new elements and edit existing ones to the database using forms.

    so, the problem is a general and ususal one, meaning that there are errors in my code that i just can't find. i've gone through it a million times, asked collegues to give me their code to compare (since they didn't have time to sit down with me and help) and i've gone to message boards to ask for help (which wasen't very successful cuz they directed me to go read some basic php tutorial. i wouldn't have gone to the message board hadn't i done that already). anyway, i'm at a total loss as to what could be wrong. the zip file uploaded here contains everything of the page, even a text file of the database used that you can import into your server.

    the problems i have are:

    1) the 'DVD-Vols.php' file should just print out all the dvd volumes that exist of the series. beside each entry is a delete link to delete that entry from the database and a link to more detailed info on that dvd volume. the printing works out fine, but the delete link only deletes the entry of the database table that has the 'ID' '0'. the link to the detail info does not work either. i wanted use a php codeing that automatically fills in the 'ID' to it's corresponding entry in the db and passes it on, so the detail page of the dvd (DVD.php) knows which dvd volume to display.

    2) on the 'DVD.php' page i want to print out only one of the table entries from the db, depending on the 'ID' the link from the previous page passes on.

    3) the add and edit forms (there are two versions of each: Add-Form.php & Edit-Form.php) don't seem to work. a friend of mine told me they are correct, but when using them on my machine, nothing happens. what happens on mine regarding the add-form was the following:

    i had started my table entries with an entry that i gave the 'ID' '1' to instead of '0', so when using the add form, the new entry was assigned that id. when trying to add another, the previous entry i made lost all it's 'contents'. the edit-form did not work at all.

    4) in the home.html page i'm trying to add an image that moves from one side to the other, which seems to only work when first loading the page (it moves 5px to the right) but somehow the counter seems to not work, and i've got no clue why.

    i know that this is a lot to ask, but i'd REALLY appreciate the help, on any of these problems.

    thanks a million in advance!

    [x]cross posted

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/570094.html

  19. How do you...email form

    Date: 06/05/07     Keywords: php

    When you create an email form, how many php pages do you create?

    I’ll have a page with the actual form, and a second page that verifies/sanitizes/processes the information.

    But quandary…. 

    It’s probably my PHP naiveté that suggests everything be handled on the second of two scripts because that would be faster, and maybe even a bit more secure?  (that has got to be stupid right?)

    The other part of me says it would be better to write a single PHP page that re-submits to itself with a switch statement. 

    If you have a second…

    What do you do---and why?

    (I appreciate your thoughts!)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/569850.html

  20. easy one?

    Date: 06/04/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Hello all,

    I have what is probably an easy question, but I haven't been able to find the answer by searching. I need to know how to correctly add multiple pos elements to a line. The line reads:

    $subject = $yourSubject.': '.$_POST['posPhone'];

    I need to add 'posComany' before 'posPhone', but I don't know how to separate the two.

    Any help?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/569117.html

  21. Open Source Store

    Date: 05/30/07     Keywords: software, web, google

    I wanted to ask for some recommendations for an Open Source online store webapp. Basically, I want to setup your standard site that allows me to sell some items and accept credit card transactions.

    I've googled for different projects/merchants and found many options; there are a few I am already leaning towards (for example http://www.zen-cart.com/ and paypal for my merchant account seem to be an attractive option). I don't expect to have a high volume of sales (it is more of a hobby type of thing).

    Any recommendations? I am not looking for something that "gets the job done", I am looking for a open source online store software that you actually loved using. To me, if I like it, it means I will also get involved with the project and contribute to it...

    Any suggestions?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/568886.html

  22. RDF API for PHP

    Date: 05/29/07     Keywords: php

    I'm currently trying to familiarise myself with RAP (RDF API for PHP), and am curious if any of you guys have worked with it
    (or alternatively, ARC (appmosphere rdf classes)), and could share their experiences and/or answer a newbie question or two?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/568671.html

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