1. OpenOffice security is questioned

    Date: 08/14/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    French researchers pinpoint security issues, but OpenOffice.org says only bug discovered has already been fixed.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6105176.html

  2. Microsoft security tools go global

    Date: 08/14/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, web

    Free Web-based PC-scanning service made available worldwide, part of an international push for its security tools.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6105538.html

  3. Keep from being the 'Breach of the Week'

    Date: 08/14/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    Commentary--As companies where the next security breach is coming, Intrusic's Jonathan Bingham advises ways to close holes caused by ever-expanding networks.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6105339.html

  4. Microsoft patch can cause IE trouble

    Date: 08/16/06 (Security)    Keywords: browser, security, web, microsoft

    Latest security update for Internet Explorer can make the Web browser crash. Microsoft plans to release a revamped patch.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6106039.html

  5. Patch Tuesday comes for Vista too

    Date: 08/17/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, microsoft

    Two of the security bulletins sent out this month affect the beta of the Windows update, according to a Microsoft blog.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6106974.html

  6. Problem connecting to a java webservice

    Date: 08/19/06 (C Sharp)    Keywords: java, security, web

    I am writing a simple c# app in Visual C# 2005 Express to connect to a java webservice. I am basing my code off of an Visual Basic 2003 app that someone else wrote that doesn't do all that I want. My problem is I keep getting the following error messages when I try to use the service.

    A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.Web.Services.dll
    The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.

    public bool Work(string request, string response, string environment)
    StreamReader fileStream = new StreamReader(request);
    string content = fileStream.ReadToEnd();
    VitalWS.WebServiceFacadeService webService = new VitalWS.WebServiceFacadeService();
    string cmdLine;
    if (environment != "veasm" || environment != "veasm2")
    cmdLine = "https://" + environment + ".mreports.com/ws/services/webServiceFacade";
    cmdLine = "http://" + environment + ".mreports.com/ws/services/webServiceFacade";
    webService.Url = cmdLine;
    X509Certificate privateKeyCertificate = null;
    X509CertificateStore store = new
    bool open = store.OpenRead();
    foreach (X509Certificate certificate in store.Certificates)
    if (certificate.Subject.IndexOf("wamueast") > 1)
    privateKeyCertificate = certificate;
    if (store != null)
    Console.WriteLine("Certificate CN:" + privateKeyCertificate.Subject);
    webService.RequestSoapContext.Path.MustUnderstand = false;
    X509SecurityToken digitalSignatureSecurityToken = new X509SecurityToken(privateKeyCertificate);
    Signature digitalSignature = new Signature(digitalSignatureSecurityToken);
    digitalSignature.SignatureOptions = SignatureOptions.IncludeNone;
    digitalSignature.SignatureOptions = SignatureOptions.IncludeSoapBody;
    string webResponse = null;
    bool result = false;
    webResponse = webService.executeService(content);
    return result;
    catch (System.Net.WebException we)
    return result;

    Can anyone offer a suggestion why this does not seem to work? I know that the url for the webservice is correct because I can use the buggy VB.Net app to get a response.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/73666.html

  7. U.S. Government Ordered to Halt National Security Agency’s Internet and Telephone Surveillance Program

    Date: 08/21/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: security

    U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor said the spying program, which was authorized by President George W. Bush shortly after the 9/11 terrorism attacks but remained undisclosed until late last year, violates constitutional rights of free speech, privacy and the separation of powers. She ordered the U.S. government to halt the National Security Agency’s Internet and [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/us-government-ordered-to-halt-national-security-agencys-internet-and-telephone-surveillance-program/

  8. Kevin Mitnick Web site hacked

    Date: 08/22/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    The famed hacker-turned-security-consultant has the tables turned on him when a hacker attacks his site and posts a vulgar message.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6108032.html

  9. IE patch carries security bug

    Date: 08/23/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, microsoft

    Microsoft's most recent security update for Internet Explorer introduces a serious security flaw on some Windows systems.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6108490.html

  10. IBM to buy ISS for $1.3 billion

    Date: 08/23/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    Latest buy in rapid-fire spending spree, to bolster security services, is set to close in fourth quarter.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6108538.html

  11. Microsoft fixes troubled IE patch

    Date: 08/24/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    Update to "critical" Internet Explorer patch repairs a serious security flaw introduced by the original version.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6109347.html

  12. Federal student aid site exposes borrowers' data

    Date: 08/24/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    Department of Education disables online payment feature of the site, following security gaffe that could affect up to 21,000.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6109405.html

  13. Gloves come off in Symantec, Microsoft dispute

    Date: 08/25/06 (Security)    Keywords: software, security

    Legal dispute over storage patent is about to get going in earnest, part of a wider skirmish over security software turf.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6109413.html

  14. Do I have a virus

    Date: 08/28/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: security, virus

    For the last week or so, my virus scanner has been giving me this pop up message:

    PC-Cillin Internet Security has detected and blocked a network virus. Run a Manual Scan of your computer and halt internet traffic to check for, eliminate, and prevent further propagation of this virus.

    I run my A-V program and nothing shows up. HOw do I get the pop up to quit? Do I actually have a virus? Any help greatly appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/971735.html

  15. Security: How Internet Explorer 6 Fares Against Mozilla Firefox?

    Date: 08/28/06 (Java Web)    Keywords: browser, security

    I think few graphs will clearly illustrate the gulf of difference between these two leading browsers (Internet Explorer 6.x & Firefox 1.x) in terms of security. Let’s start with our favorite whipping boy,market leader Internet Explorer 6.x, shall we? Internet Explorer 6.x Security Advisories Source: Secunia Firefox 1.x Security Advisories Source: Secunia Now let’s look at their criticality. Now [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/security-how-internet-explorer-6-fares-against-mozilla-firefox/

  16. More security bang for fewer bucks

    Date: 08/29/06 (Security)    Keywords: software, security, microsoft

    After Microsoft's entry into the market, consumer security software has become cheaper and more comprehensive.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6110519.html

  17. CA looks to tech squads to sell security wares

    Date: 08/30/06 (Security)    Keywords: software, security

    New program offers incentives to PC rescue services to sell CA's security software to consumers and small businesses.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6111139.html

  18. Oracle's Ellison to take stage at next RSA confab

    Date: 08/30/06 (Security)    Keywords: software, security

    Business software maker's backing of event comes as company faces continued scrutiny over its security practices.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6111095.html

  19. Uptick in Windows attacks reported

    Date: 09/01/06 (Security)    Keywords: security, microsoft

    Security experts warn of increased cyberattacks on Windows PCs, via a known security flaw, but Microsoft says all is calm.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6111583.html

  20. Fiddling while Rome burned

    Date: 09/06/06 (Security)    Keywords: security

    Commentary--Attorney Eric J. Sinrod says corporate America needs a wake up call--in the worst way--about data security.

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6112857.html

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