Sober worm makes a comeback
Date: 04/19/05
(Security) Keywords: security, spam
Mass-mailing pest is spreading again, harvesting e-mail addresses for spammers, security companies have warned.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Sober+worm+makes+a+comeback/2100-1009_22-5676631.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Spamhaus hits out at ISPs, praises Microsoft
Date: 04/27/05
(Security) Keywords: spam
ISPs put more firewalls around customer support than around customers, says Spamhaus CTO.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Spamhaus+hits+out+at+ISPs%2C+praises+Microsoft/2100-1009_22-5685488.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
What is comment spamming? Couple of interesting case studies.
Date: 04/28/05
(Java Web) Keywords: spam
Sometimes I find people evangelizing some religion through comment spamming. However it happens. Is it spamming?
I think it is. Without knowing the religion of a person if you try to thrust your own religion down his throat, it is wrong. The comments are mostly out-of-context which is a sure sign of spam. It is irrelevant [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/what-is-comment-spamming-couple-of-interesting-case-studies/
Sober worm makes a comeback
Date: 05/07/05
(Security) Keywords: security, spam
Mass-mailing pest is spreading again, harvesting e-mail addresses for spammers, security companies have warned.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Sober+worm+makes+a+comeback/2100-1009_22-5698411.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
How to keep your WordPress 1.5 Blog Spam Free
Date: 05/05/05
(Java Web) Keywords: spam
Comment Spam, Trackback Spam, Pingback Spam and Referrer Spam are ever increasing problems with blogs.
After moving my blog over to WordPress 1.5, I revisited my Spam prevention strategy. I used CAPTCHA before, which has problems for visually impaired people. Also it requires some effort by the user to fill in the CAPTCHA code. Hence [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-keep-your-wordpress-15-blog-spam-free/
900,000 ISP customers blacklisted
Date: 05/10/05
(Security) Keywords: spam
Telewest, a U.K. Internet service provider, calls the antispam group's action "heavy-handed" but can't say it didn't see this coming.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/900%2C000+ISP+customers+blacklisted/2100-1009_22-5701491.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Guestbook spam
Date: 05/15/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web, spam
I have a Megabook guestbook integrated into my Web site, and lately I have been BOMBARDED with guestbook spam! Is there a better CGI guestbook script that I should try, or any other good methods to eliminate guestbook spam? Thanks in advance for your help!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/879133.html
A follow-up to my guestbook post from the other day
Date: 05/20/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web, spam
I have a Megabook guestbook on my Web site. It uses a CGI script and unfortunately I have been getting an INSANE amount of spam comments lately. I really don't want to take the guestbook down but I'm sick of dealing with 20+ spam comments every day. The only thing I've found that claims to be able to fight guestbook spam is a program called Junkeater. I was wondering if anyone has used this program before. How good is it at filtering out spam? Do you know if it is compatible with Megabook? Any info would be appreciated!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/885432.html
100th Post
Date: 01/01/70
(Webmaster View) Keywords: spam
100 entries posted, 35 comments and 5 pings received and more than 500 spam comments/pings deleted. :)
Archives »
Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/blogging/100th_post
Date: 05/23/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web, spam
Web-designer wanted.
I'm looking for a web-designer who can construct a personal website. This site will have some member only areas and may even turn into a pay-to-view site. Pay is negotiable. I need someone reliable and talented in photoshop. For more information please send an email to summerinmalibu@aol.com. Do put something pertaining to 'live journal' in the header as to distract my spam eater. ;) Also, linking your work may help me reply to you quicker.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/887186.html
FTC to push ISPs for zombie crackdown
Date: 05/23/05
(Security) Keywords: spam
Commentary--The United States and 30 foreign governments plan to tell Internet service providers to take stronger action against spam infiltrators. Caution is the word.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/FTC+to+push+ISPs+for+zombie+crackdown/2100-1009_22-5716576.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Phishers get personal
Date: 05/26/05
(Security) Keywords: web, spam
Spammers and online fraudsters are exploiting Web site features to learn more about their victims and better hone their attacks.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Phishers+get+personal/2100-1009_22-5720672.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Microsoft launches antispam tools, services
Date: 05/26/05
(Web Technology) Keywords: web, spam
Company debuts its MSN Postmaster Web site, which offers tools and services designed to combat spam.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Microsoft+launches+antispam+tools%2C+services/2100-9588_22-5721464.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
problem sending/forwarding emails with my Netscape mail account & Netscape 7.2 mail client
Date: 06/02/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: browser, html, web, spam
I am having a problem sending/forwarding emails with my Netscape mail account & Netscape 7.2 mail client. More specifically, I am trying to forward spam to my spamcop.com account [http://www.spamcop.net/] to automatically LART the headers & content. (I forward the spam emails as an attachment to my SpamCop account address, it parses out the spam email(s), then emails me back with a link to a web from with the email parsed out and I select who I LART. Dam slick, IMHO) Everything was working fine before this past weekend.
Now, when I try to forward a single or multiple spam emails I get the following error:
An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 554 AOL will not accept delivery of this message.
TRANSACTION FAILED. Please check the message and try again.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
By the way:
Please do NOT say to use Thunderbird - I already tried this a few months back, and the Netscape / AOhelL mail server does not recognize the client; something is specifically written into the Netscape mail client to authenticate to their servers, and I have been unable to figure it out. Unless you have a solution to the problem
Please do NOT say to upgrade to Netscape 8 - I tried the new version over the weekend, and the mail client is gone, and the Netscape account is opened in some funky assed web browser interface (separate than logging into the account from netscape.com) where you can not turn off HTML email or anything else to make it 'safer'. IMHO, it sucks.
Edit: edit post due to comment of it being seemingly 'rude', and corrected the Mozilla project stand alone email client name to Thunderbird.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/288537.html
Bin Laden Trojan quickly constrained
Date: 06/04/05
(Security) Keywords: spam
A Trojan-carrying spam e-mail that purports to offer pictures of a captured Osama bin Laden tricks few Internet users.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Bin+Laden+Trojan+quickly+constrained/2100-1009_22-5731405.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Understanding Context Aware Trackback Spamming: New Frontiers in Web Spamming
Date: 06/10/05
(Java Web) Keywords: spam
Let's begin with an example.
Name: Stanford scientists takes first step towards producing renewable source of insulin producing cells from brain-derived stem cells ¦ IP:
Stanford scientists takes first step towards producing renewable source of insulin producing cells from brain-derived stem cells
Stanford scientists ta…
The scumbags at com.ru have tried (albeit unsuccessfully) at spamming my site [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/understanding-context-aware-trackback-spamming-new-frontiers-in-web-spamming/
Date: 06/11/05
(WebDesign) Keywords: web, spam
I've had an email which simply says:
I was just wondering if this website is free?
I'd reply and say "Yes", of course, but I'm worried it's an email harvesting spider/auto-responder. Never reply to spam emails.
Anyone else had/seen this?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/901389.html
Feds vulnerable to lots of Net threats
Date: 06/15/05
(Security) Keywords: spyware, spam
Government agencies are plagued by spyware, phishing attacks and spam, but they're not prepared for the onslaught, a federal survey finds.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Feds+vulnerable+to+lots+of+Net+threats/2100-1009_22-5746822.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
Trend Micro tackles spam with Kelkea buy
Date: 06/14/05
(Security) Keywords: virus, antivirus, spam
The antivirus company's purchase of Kelkea beefs up its spam credentials and sets it on the road to tackling phishing.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/Trend+Micro+tackles+spam+with+Kelkea+buy/2100-1009_22-5746345.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn
First WordPress, then Syndic8 and now Financial Times! Link Spammers Demonstrate Upward Mobility
Date: 06/21/05
(Java Web) Keywords: css, spam, google
First we had WordPress which sported tons of hidden spammer links by ingenuous use of negative CSS positioning. Then Syndic8 decided not to be left behind and joined the fray. Later both of the sites were somewhat forced to remove the offending links due to falling Google rank (read zero) and possibly to some extent [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/first-wordpress-then-syndic8-and-now-financial-times-link-spammers-demonstrate-upward-mobility/