adding news section to website

    Date: 09/08/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: java

    hello designers.

    i am returning to ask another portfolio site question. currently, this is my portfolio site. i am considering adding a news section, because once in a while something cool happens like i get my name in a magazine or i get some illustration published somewhere. it would be nice to have a news section for such updates but i am finding it hard to incorporate into my current layout. i cannot redesign at this time, so i want to see if i can figure this out. i have already set up a blog and figured out how to integrate it and you can view my current version here. this is kinda clunky, but it is the best solution i've come up with so far. (note: the green striped bar would fade out or something, not just abruptly end. also, only 3-5 news items would ever be included. no need to keep old news up.)

    any suggestions? does it look really bad? do i even need a news section? it just seems pretty useful in terms of providing a reason for people to come back to my site.

    thank you. xposted to graphicdesign.

    EDIT: to clarify: i need the news section to be included on the index page. i use javascript to switch the images in and out, so my site is literally only one page. and having a link to a separate page for news really breaks continuity and causes navigational problems, if that makes any sense. and when i make the news section a clickable link that displays the text where the portfolio images go, sometimes the images would not cover all the news text when someone clicks a portfolio image.

    additionally, the javascript i use seems to return only plain text for the title field, meaning i can't have it return the appropriate blog code to populate the area.


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