Drop Down Information

    Date: 04/30/07 (WebDesign)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm looking for a way to achieve a certain effect on my site but I have no idea where to go for a basic code I can alter. I want a list on my site of different names and when you click on a name the list drops down and information is presented under the name that was clicked. Since I know my explanation is bad I'll try and write it out:

    Here is the list

    Then when you click on a link it looks something like this
    Japan is a cool country and all that stuff. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information.Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information. Information.

    I guess what want is sort of similar to a drop down box but different? I've looked at a number of different sites with drop down menu codes and none of them seem to have exactly what I'm looking for. If anyone can help or direct me to a site to help I would appreciate it. Thank you!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1251570.html

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