Restoring monitor to factory defaults

    Date: 06/25/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    I apologize if my question has been answered recently; I went back a few pages but didn't see anyone asking this question.

    Long story short, my baby cousin got away from me, started pressing the buttons on the monitor, and managed to completely mess with the color settings (thankfully that's all he messed up.) I've tried to adjust the settings back to where they were, but can't get it anywhere close to right.

    What I need to know is how to restore the monitor back to the factory default settings, and if this will reset the color settings as well. I've tried Google, but it only shows product listings and tells me to reset my monitor, but not how. Owner's manual is also being less than helpful.

    I'm using a Dell Dimension 2400, and my monitor is a 19 inch flatscreen by the same manufacturer.


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