An Opera conundrum

    Date: 12/26/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: html, java, google

    As you may or may not know, I switched to Opera. This has mostly been a gratifying experience, but I have had a few problems.

    I read a joke on the 'net that Opera doesn't really adhere to the W3C standards very well. This was when I was still using Firefox. I chuckled at it, but now I'm experiencing it.

    I realize that this may just be the fact that Opera isn't supported by a lot of sites/services. Google-anything doesn't render properly in Opera, especially Google Docs. My emails in Gmail shift over to the right of the screen when I view it in it's default setting. This is cleared up when I switch over to basic HTML mode.

    Then I noticed that the reason that it isn't displaying properly is becaus I had "Fit to width" turned on. This comes in handy, but when I turn it on, it stays on for all sites I visit. Is there a way to select what sites I want and do not want to be fit to width?

    Also, how come I can't click a link on some sites (like on Google Reader and Digg) and it won't take me to the page, even though it says it's loading. I have to click the mouse wheel on the link, which you know opens a new link with the page. I assume this is a Javascript problem, but is there anyway to fix it?

    Please help me.


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