Everything mircosoft

    Date: 06/29/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web, microsoft

    I have two questions. Firstly, I was trying to download this digital right management thing for windows media player so that I can play some things for the WWE Jukebox website(it's basically you use a credit card to get the ability to watch all the matches in there for a month). I did that, and when I tried to play it, it said something like, you need a digital rights management thing for windows media player 9. I tried downloading something like that on a microsoft website. When I opened it up, it started downloading, and it signed me out of msn messenger. I didn't get to finish either, because apparently you're supposed to have windows xp(and I have windows 98).

    Now, I can't sign into msn messenger, and I can't go to any websites that are microsoft or msn. So here are my two questions:

    Are there any sites where I can download a digital rights management thing for windows media player 9.0 on windows 98?

    And, what's wrong with msn, and how can I get back to using the websites and msn?

    I'm also using Mozilla Firefox, because my internet explorer is screwed up.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/432039.html

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