Color coding

    Date: 08/20/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: microsoft

    Is there anyway on Windows XP to color code folders? In Outlook, is there anyway to color code an email?

    How do I make it so when I'm uploading/burning/whatever and watching a DVD in Windows Media Player, the DVD doesn't look like some pirate import skipping about? I mean, is there a way to say that Windows Media Player has like first reserve on RAM or something?

    Does anyone know the correct plugin for Winamp that displays in MSN Messenger what song I'm listening

    Yes, I'm Bill Gates little Microsoft gimp. I don't think their products are particularly the best. I just dont' have time/money/resources to waste getting a whole new set of programs to do what I'm doing. So if there's any help out there at all, I'd be grateful ;)


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