Date: 06/03/05     Keywords: no keywords

    someone i knew send me " is this a picture of you? " and the name of the file was untitled

    i tried delelting it but it wout work

    i really need help i want this to stop

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/409811.html

  2. Computer restarting on its own

    Date: 06/03/05     Keywords: virus, spyware

    This has been driving me crazy. Since I got a new modem (er, not sure what it's called, but I suppose I could find out - it's a modem that we run both the cable internet and digital phone through) my computer has been restarting on its own. At first it was doing this when I was downloading things (usually, if they're big files, or too many files at once), but now it'll do it just when clicking on a page - not always, but it's clear when it does that it's a direct result of the clicking. It can be a page on LJ or something like that, nothing that'll give me a virus or anything.

    Nonetheless, I do have a virus scanner, and it scans everyday. It also updates itself automatically, so I doubt there's a virus going on. I also scan for spyware every once in a while, and it hasn't helped at all. I'm running XP Pro, and using Firefox, WinMX, BitTorrent (not anymore, actually, but it did it when I was using BT before) - but it's not related to that since I was using that stuff before the new modem.

    Should I see if the cable company will replace the modem, or is there a simpler solution?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/409579.html

  3. date generator

    Date: 06/01/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Does anyone know of a program that generates dates in a spreadsheet? I've tried on Excel and it's not doing what I want. I need to list a lot of dates often and the dates are always changing. Right now, I want a list of all Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays between 11/07 and 31/08...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/408976.html

  4. Laptop Screens

    Date: 05/31/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi, i am in the hunt for a laptop for college and i was wondering what kind of visual benefits will i receive between xga and uxga+ with TrueLife (dell)? Thanks

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/408166.html

  5. Freezing all the time now

    Date: 05/29/05     Keywords: virus

    Hi, my computer has been freezing after opening one page and then closing it. I've been running ad-aware and my Norton virus protection. I've cleaned out my temp files and ran a scandisk along with a defrag. I don't know why it continues to do this. Please help.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/407825.html

  6. Ads345

    Date: 05/29/05     Keywords: virus, web, spyware

    I used to have a problem with Ads234, I thought I had fixed it... but then it mutated into Ads345. Frequently, when I click a link I get redirected to an Ads345 website. The URL will say "http://www.ads345.com/requesturl=where I wanted to go" and I can just cick "skip" to get past it... but this has gone on for months and months, I can't seem to get rid of it! I use virus/adware/spyware scanners religiously (Norton, AdAware, and Spybot). I've tried deleteing the "key" or whatever. But it's still there! And midAdle even showed up on my programs list, but it won't let me remove it. Help?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/407612.html

  7. agenda

    Date: 05/28/05     Keywords: software

    If any of you has experience with that, I'd appreciate your help with the suggestions regarding software that handles agenda/to-do/tasks/reminders or palm pilots that would be good. Please leave your comments in that entry. Big thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/407386.html

  8. damn autocomplete

    Date: 05/27/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a fairly annoying problem with autocomplete.

    I have windows 98 with IE 6.0.

    I can clear history and temp files, but when I go to to the content tab, and try to clear auto complete entries, it hangs until it stops responding, then I have to press ctrl+alt+delete to close it.

    Anyone know how to fix it? would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/406609.html

  9. Question.

    Date: 05/27/05     Keywords: google

    I have no sound. My sound driver is comepletely gone. I suppose that's what I get for letting my dad tinker with my computer, but hey..

    Anyway, I'd like to know what sound driver I need for my computer. I can install it no problem, but I haven't a clue as to what sound driver I need. I googled it, but I got lost in all the results.

    My machine:

    Win XP [pro, I believe]

    Integrated sound/video: P3 processor, 866MHz.

    That's about all the info I can give you, unfortunately. =/

    Hope someone's got an idea...and thanks! :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/405933.html

  10. help

    Date: 05/26/05     Keywords: no keywords

    how do i listen to RAR files?

    i downloaded some audio books that i want to listen to- and eventually put over to my ipod- cause it says it can take audio books- but who knows. either way i'm going to want to either transfer to my ipod or burn a cd of it.

    so what program will i need to listen to these- AND what program will i need in order to burn them into files that will burn and be able to play on a cd player- or the ipod thing?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/405691.html

  11. Aurora Popup

    Date: 05/25/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I dont know when these pop ups started but i can't get rid of them with adaware or spybot S&D.

    I tried searching for it too but nothing found..does anyone know how to get rid of them?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/404507.html


    Date: 05/25/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Please can somebody help!

    My landlady's PC died (1.7GHz Celeron, generic Intel mobo), the hard drive gave up so I said I could fix it.........

    It wouldn't boot from CD (yes, I changed the BIOS settings and it still wouldn't) so I made a set of XP boot disks. These worked fine, allowing the computer to read the CD.

    But! When it had finished formatting the new hard drive (in NTFS naturally) it asked me for the XP CD. I put in (again - I had to humour it!) and it just kept asking for the bloody CD!

    If anybody can tell me how I can get around this and install XP I would be a very happy bunny. I said I could fix it and I don't wanna look stupid. You don't want me to look stupid now do you!

    Do you?!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/404381.html

  13. HELP!!!!

    Date: 05/24/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Ok here is the deal I have a HP Pavilion laptop. Someone thought it would be cute to set a password on my computer blocking me out of it. So I stuck in the Operating System CD that came with the computer and had to reinstall windows. The problem is I didn't get back all my windows files. Many programs including my sound doesn't come up. What should I do cause I cannot listen to music on here because well the driver or whatever was not put back on and the Operating Sysytem disk will only let me go so far.

    In Christ
    Chris <>

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/403865.html

  14. Fake error messages; wrong reformatting; startup settings; virus, possibly?

    Date: 05/21/05     Keywords: browser, spyware

    I saw '[info]'luckysafire's post linked somewhere, so I figured I could find help here too.

    The original problem started in the first week of April, so I'm starting there.

    This is what the message looks like:

    ERROR 013c4225: The service cannot accept control messages at this time. : $

    When it sits in the windows tray, it looks like I've opened a folder, or something like it:

    Here's what happens:

    I sit down at the computer on Saturday night [first week of April] as soon as my sister got off. All of a sudden that error message pops up as soon as I get on AIM. I thought it was an AIM thing, so I click out of it. And it comes back. In threes. I restart the computer and don't get onto AIM. I start up Mozilla Firefox and go to LJ, reply to a comment, then try to change icons using a drop-down menu. Big mistake. I learned after restarting fifty million times that the drop-down menus trigger the error message to pop up. [I'm not sure what happened with AIM the first time, because the message came up without me being on Mozilla.]

    Someone said to re-install my browser, Mozilla Firefox. I do.

    Someone else said to download HijackThis. I do.

    Nothing works. I downloaded other spyware blockers/detectors, and they cleaned out some bugs [about 200 bugs ><] but this error message still comes back. And I just don't know what to do. The error message's numbers change every time I restart, but the message is the same. '[info]'haunted_spark said his college had something like this happen and he couldn't register for classes on time because of some virus. But nothing is being picked up by any of the scans.

    I've run:
    Spybot Search And Destroy
    AVG AntiVirus Scan
    Ad Aware
    Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta
    there was at least one other but I don't know what it was since my files were wiped later

    I asked around different message boards people referred me to, but no one responded except for one person who said she/he had the same problem.

    I've stopped using Firefox, and went back to Netscape, and haven't had the problem, but I'd prefer to use Firefox because of the popups that Netscape lets through which are starting to gather more spy/ad-ware.

    Since then, my computer's run very slow, and isn't keeping up with the time, when I get online, it says the same time as when I got off before.

    I have two hard drives [the main one is 3 gigs and the other is 4 -- it's a really old computer, it used to run Win95]. One day I let my sister online again to check her email and go to take a shower. When I get back and go online, the Blue Screen Of Death appeared [I should have taken a picture of it because I don't know what it said now] and my computer wouldn't start up. It would start the normal DOS bit, where it checks the boot record of my floppy and CD drives, but then it would say Windows could not start because the following file [or driver, I can't remember] is missing: System32\DRIVERS\pci.sys. So I grabbed my eMachines Restore CD and popped it in there. It asked to reformat the hard drive, and I let it. But it reformatted the wrong one. It deleted the drive I use for storing things like photos and school papers, and left my Windows drive alone, even though it said it would reformat that drive. So now all of my photos and things are gone, and I've still got my junky Windows XP.

    After that, I figured it couldn't get any worse, right? Except refusing to start up? Well now I get this message when I start up.

    Then when XP started up, it said my clock was wrong [which it was], and told me to reset it. When it finally loads up everything, it says that it's 01 January 1999.

    A few people have told me that could be a problem with the motherboard, and another friend of mine said that she got that message and her motherboard fried a few weeks later, so that doesn't give me much hope.

    This also started after my sister got offline. She refuses to believe that she's got anything to do with it, but whenever something like this happens, it's right after she's online. And every time I get online and somehow have a virus problem, I can retrace my steps and figure out what happened and fix it. But since it's her problem, I don't know where it came from. It may have been something through AIM or an IM service, or through something she did on Firefox.

    And now when I get online, Spybot and the Microsoft AntiSpyware have windows coming up saying that spyware is trying to install. And it's different spyware every time I start up, but after I remove it and then run a scan, nothing comes up, so I don't know what's triggering it.

    So I have absolutely no idea what's going on. I've had this computer for about three years, so it's outdated, but my dad is too cheap to get even a new printer cartridge, so the only way I'm going to get a new computer is when I get a new job.

    Is there something you know of to stop any one of these problems?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/403079.html

  15. AVG virus scan result. What does it mean?

    Date: 05/21/05     Keywords: virus

    An AVG virus scan turned up three files with their status "changed".

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    My problem is that I don't have a clue as to what this actually mean, and the Help-option isn't being particularly helpful.
    They look to me as system-files of a kind so I don't dare delete them, if that's even nessecary.
    Should I try to re-install? Just leave it? Send out for a pizza?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/402933.html

  16. SOUND!!!

    Date: 05/21/05     Keywords: browser

    I've been installing the motherboard chipset cd a thousand times over in the past few months that the sound mysteriously stopped working on my computer, and now it FINALLY has sound!!! Although still sucks I can burn AUDIO cd's but not DATA cd's... And somehow my Netscape browser no longer exists on this computer after I got the sound back up????

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/402551.html

  17. See --

    Date: 05/21/05     Keywords: software

    See?! It clearly shows myCD-RW drive there!

    Now the problem that's been going on for many months....

    I CAN:
    - play video games on cd
    - install programs from cd
    - run other software from cd
    - rip audio cd's
    - burn audio cd's

    I CAN'T:
    - burn a data cd because it says DEVICE NOT CONNECTED or NO CD-ROM CONNECTED!!!

    So WTF?! >:(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/402397.html

  18. Still don't know..some questions

    Date: 05/21/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I still don't know what's caused my computer to stop having sound a few months ago and to think that nothing is connected. i.e. I can run a program on CD, yet I can't burn to CD because it says the CD drive isn't connected, which is a load of crap because if it weren't connected then I couldn't use programs on CD! Well I'm extremely frustrated with it now because they won't be showing my favorite episode of my favorite show ever again, so I downloaded it, but I can't watch it (well, I could, without sound) and I can't make a vcd either. So... I think the motherboard is full of loose connections. I bought this system as a barebones kit from these idiots that don't speak English and have absolute NO clue that the computers they sell are worthless crap. I've posted here before about how it blew out 2 power supplies before and now it's just screwed up. Sometimes the computer powers on, yet does not boot, even with the power supply switched off in the back!!! I think it's because their barebones system sucks and is crap, things like where the power supply and other such things are loose and have always been. My original hard drives and cd drives, etc, are fine and even though it came from the idiots, I think the RAM and modem would be fine to use with a motherboard/cpu kit, but I need to know if the RAM will be compatable. I just don't have the money to buy a whole computer that is actually made to WORK like a Dell or something. This is an M863 motherboard, that's all I can tell you, with 128MB RAM, and what I'm considering buying when I get paid next time is a motherboard kit, something I can afford like this - "ASRock K7VM3:IA KM266Pro/VIA 8235 PC2700 AMD Sempron/ Athlon XP 1xAGP Max 2GB Game Audio Video LAN Micro ATX with cpu - Sempron 2600+ 333MHz With Heatsink & Fan Complete Combo Set", but that's of course without the RAM.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/401683.html

  19. Power Jack/AC Adapter Issues

    Date: 05/20/05     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi all.

    This question relates more to an external repair rather than a problem with operating. I hope this is allowed and that someone can help me:

    I have an HP z4805 Notebook that I purchased at Best Buy (don't shoot me...I only work there ;) in August of 2004. I've been fairly gentle with it but a few months ago I noticed that gradually the AC Adapter was losing a secure connection to the power jack. As a result I had to start placing the power chord in precarious positions to maintain a connection and keep the battery charged. Looking inside, the prod to connect to the adapter looks tilted slightly to one side - not straight as it had been when I purchased it.

    I looked at the tip of the AC Adapter at one point and saw that the end was starting to look scorched almost and thought perhaps it was just time for a new chord. HP sent me a new AC Adapter but the problem continued. Eventually it got to the point that even though the "battery power/charge" light was on, I was still receiving "Critical Battery" messages. So I arranged to have my computer sent off to be repaired.

    I just received a call from HP stating that they can't do anything to the computer because they opened it up and found evidence of a liquid spill on the unit. First reaction: sheer fury. Not once has a drop of liquid touched my laptop while its been in my possession. Furthermore why can't they fix a power jack on the outside of the laptop regardless of what's wrong on the inside? Not only that, but they wanted $700 to fix the computer when it only cost $800 to purchase it.

    Thinking about it further I realize that the liquid spill probably voids the manufacturer's warranty (although I'm still pissed off because I've never gotten the computer wet...) So I have to start considering repair options on my own. (Continued Below)

    I basically need advice on what is and what is not acceptable in getting this issue resolved. I want to know what I can expect and approximately how much to pay...

    My questions are:

    1) In repairing the computer on my own, will an independent shop refuse to repair the jack on the outside of the computer if there is moisture damage inside? (If that moisture damage was pre-existing, it did not affect the computer's performance.)

    2) Approximately how much does a power jack repair cost? If they must resolve the "moisture" issue, how much would that reasonably cost?

    3) Any other advice or tips are always welcome.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    I'm sort of "seeing red" at the moment, so if any part of this entry needs elaboration or clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.

    X-posted to '[info]'computerhelp and '[info]'computer_help

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/401340.html

  20. New and with a IE problem

    Date: 05/20/05     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm happy to have found this community :) I kept thinking "Arg. This is probably such a stupid problem that can be easily fixed. People will probably laugh at me if I ask for help"

    Anyway.. I tried going to www.tvtorrents.com. It fucked up my IE and had to close. When I went to open it again, everything at the top of the window was gone. No icons. No address bar. No File, Edit, Tools, etc.

    I'm not sure how to bring it back ;\ I've tried closing the window and opening and new one over and over. And I've restarted. I'm certainly not too smart when it comes to computers, so I have no idea what to do now.

    I hope someone won't mind helping me :) thanks

    And here's a pic to show what I mean.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/400736.html

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