Windows defense handcuffs good guys
Date: 08/10/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Microsoft's PatchGuard is designed to keep out malicious code, but security firms say it just keeps them at bay.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6104379.html
Microsoft blogging software available in beta
Date: 08/14/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: blogging, microsoft
Windows Live Writer designed for easy use, compatibility with other blogging services.
Images: Microsoft lends bloggers a hand
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6105115.html
Microsoft patch can cause IE trouble
Date: 08/16/06
(Security) Keywords: browser, security, web, microsoft
Latest security update for Internet Explorer can make the Web browser crash. Microsoft plans to release a revamped patch.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6106039.html
Microsoft hires McAfee antivirus veteran
Date: 08/17/06
(Security) Keywords: virus, antivirus, microsoft
Vincent Gullotto, former head of McAfee's Antivirus and Vulnerability Emergency Response Team, AVERT, will join Microsoft.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6106603.html
Running out of ideas
Date: 08/17/06
(WebDesign) Keywords: templates, browser, css, microsoft
I am very new to CSS and standards based design; but, I really want to learn. Needing results quickly, I opened StyleMaster and used one of their templates. I didn't change anything really, just reworked the graphics. Proofed it in all the browsers in the house and was so proud of myself for having actually accomplished the task. THEN - I asked friends far and wide to look at the site. It does NOT display correctly in IE6. All the content is displayed below the navigation column. Using Dreamweaver I tried to find some clue; but none of the clues led to anything that worked to make it display correctly in IE6. Works great in IE7 but Microsoft isn't forcing the upgrade so I guess it is a BIG problem for me. Bad news is the client uses IE6. Can somebody look at this and give me a clue to fixing it - I'm willing to try anything at this point. Really hate to go back to tables now when I'm so darn close. THANK YOU!!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1151880.html
Running out of ideas ... need help
Date: 08/17/06
(Web Development) Keywords: templates, browser, css, microsoft
I am very new to CSS and standards based design; but, I really want to learn. Needing results quickly, I opened StyleMaster and used one of their templates. I didn't change anything really, just reworked the graphics. Proofed it in all the browsers in the house and was so proud of myself for having actually accomplished the task. THEN - I asked friends far and wide to look at the site. It does NOT display correctly in IE6. All the content is displayed below the navigation column. Using Dreamweaver I tried to find some clue; but none of the clues led to anything that worked to make it display correctly in IE6. Works great in IE7 but Microsoft isn't forcing the upgrade so I guess it is a BIG problem for me. Bad news is the client uses IE6. Can somebody look at this and give me a clue to fixing it - I'm willing to try anything at this point. Really hate to go back to tables now when I'm so darn close. THANK YOU!!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/346735.html
Patch Tuesday comes for Vista too
Date: 08/17/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Two of the security bulletins sent out this month affect the beta of the Windows update, according to a Microsoft blog.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6106974.html
Google welcomes Writely sign-ups
Date: 08/21/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft
Online word processor figures to be part of the search giant's counterweight to Microsoft's Office Live strategy.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6107805.html
IE patch carries security bug
Date: 08/23/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Microsoft's most recent security update for Internet Explorer introduces a serious security flaw on some Windows systems.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6108490.html
Microsoft reveals more about Live Drive
Date: 08/24/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: microsoft
An exec provides some details about Microsoft's plans for a free online storage service, Live Drive.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6109441.html
More security bang for fewer bucks
Date: 08/29/06
(Security) Keywords: software, security, microsoft
After Microsoft's entry into the market, consumer security software has become cheaper and more comprehensive.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6110519.html
Government of Kerala, India To Replace Microsoft Windows From Public Institutions With Linux
Date: 08/30/06
(Java Web) Keywords: software, microsoft
The government in India’s southern state of Kerala is campaigning to eliminate Microsoft products from use in public institutions.
As part of a drive against “monopolistic” organizations, schools and public offices across the state are being encouraged to install free software systems instead of purchasing Microsoft’s Windows programs.
“It is well-known that Microsoft wants to have a [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/government-of-kerala-india-to-replace-microsoft-windows-from-public-institutions-with-linux/
Uptick in Windows attacks reported
Date: 09/01/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Security experts warn of increased cyberattacks on Windows PCs, via a known security flaw, but Microsoft says all is calm.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6111583.html
WordPress WYSIWYG Editor is a Disaster
Date: 09/03/06
(Java Web) Keywords: microsoft
I just had quite some experience using WordPress 2.x’s new WYSIWYG editor based on Tiny MCE, while publishing documentation for 3 column Anaconda Theme for WordPress. Two word summary of WYSIWYG editor: it sucks.
This new WYSIWYG is frustrating to use at every step of the way. It is buggy like the worst Microsoft products. The [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/wordpress-wysiwyg-editor-is-a-disaster/
Word flaw hit with zero-day attack
Date: 09/05/06
(Security) Keywords: microsoft
"Extremely critical flaw" in Microsoft Word 2000, which has no released patch, could lead to remote execution of code.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6112265.html
Core Windows Vista Architect Leaving Microsoft
Date: 09/06/06
(Java Web) Keywords: microsoft
One of the core architects of Windows Vista is leaving Microsoft weeks after it emerged he would be re-assigned once Vista operating system is launched. Valentine led Windows code engineering for seven years and is joining Amazon as a senior vice president. Former group vice president Jim Allchin is also headed out.
Brian Valentine, the vice [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/core-windows-vista-architect-leaving-microsoft/
'Critical' patch for Office coming
Date: 09/07/06
(Security) Keywords: microsoft
Plus two less serious updates for Windows, making it a quiet Patch Tuesday for Microsoft next week.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6113332.html
Links&Japanese edited by WYSIWYG evilness
Date: 09/10/06
(Javascript Community) Keywords: html, web, microsoft
Hello =) I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
I'm using a WYSIWG Program to create my web site and then upload it directly to through ftp.
I'm having some issues with the program and uploading the html pages, it keeps editing things.
Specially links and Japanese text.
I have a script to pre-load a commenting pop-up link:
But the program keeps insisting in turning it to:
I realized it also does this for the images, which it uploads to the server, therefore it losing the whole link but the file name doesn't cause a problem. But with this link it is, it prevents from loading the Halo scan script.
Since it's a WYSIWG program i can just copy/paste the Japanese text from Microsoft into my preview section.
When i look at the source it's been turned into the &number; format.
However, if i click back to see the preview and then back to see the source (if i'm editing multiple things at once) - the &number;'s are changed into the characters in my sourse...which makes them unreadable when i upload the ftp.
These are two problems i have not found a way around, and that are beginning to seriously become time wasting. *sigh*
I've tried to look at the program settings, but nothing seems to be unclickable for it to just STOP doing that.
The program i use is: Nvu V1.0 (by Linspire)
[x-posted to htmlhelp]
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/111065.html
Find Your Blog Viewer’s Demographic Profile
Date: 09/11/06
(Java Web) Keywords: microsoft
Simple Thoughts blog’s viewership is male oriented (63% male) with the majority in the 18-24 age group according to Microsoft adCenter Labs. The interesting thing is that my viewership percentage is significantly larger in under 24 age group.
On the other hand my stem cell research blog’s viewership is mostly female (68%) with the majority of [...]
Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/find-your-blog-viewers-demographic-profile/
No fix yet for Word 2000 flaw
Date: 09/12/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
Microsoft releases patches for three security holes, but does not have a fix for a Word 2000 flaw being used in attacks.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6114932.html