Third time a charm for IE patch?
Date: 09/13/06
(Security) Keywords: microsoft
Microsoft issues a third version of a troubled Internet Explorer patch to fix a bug in an earlier update.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6115275.html
Microsoft pitches InfoCard for businesses
Date: 09/14/06
(Security) Keywords: technology, microsoft
New technology in Windows Vista can bring down access management barriers, according to Microsoft.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6115527.html
Attack code targets new IE hole
Date: 09/15/06
(Security) Keywords: browser, web, microsoft
Code that exploits a serious, yet-to-be-patched hole in Microsoft's Web browser has been posted on the Net.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6115966.html
JetBrains dotTrace 2.0 beta released
Date: 09/15/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: software, html, asp, microsoft
The public beta version of the best profiler for .NET applications was released today.
You can download it and and try out here: http://www.jetbrains.com/profiler/beta.html. The download includes a full-functionality license that will allow you to use the software until October 31, 2006.
The most important new feature in dotTrace 2.0 beta is Memory Profiling. Now you can see what happens with the memory used by your .NET applications to optimize how your app uses memory. You can capture snapshots of memory to analyze in nine informative views, each tuned to a specific aspect of memory usage. You can also take a snapshot of the application’s memory state at two key points to compare them and locate memory leaks.
Notable enhancements in performance profiling include "Quick Info" for any function, the ability to compare performance snapshots of the same application, new filtering options and collapsing recursive calls. Among other useful features and improvements are the integration with Microsoft Visual Studio and the ability to profile Windows services.
Information on new features is available at http://www.jetbrains.com/profiler/features/newfeatures.html.
We think you’ll find that dotTrace 2.0 is now a comprehensive and robust profiling solution for .NET applications that stands up to the most demanding profiling requirements. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/75876.html
Is open source getting to Microsoft?
Date: 09/15/06
(Security) Keywords: web, microsoft
Pledge not to sue over Web services patents reflects the spread of the collaborative development model--as far as Microsoft, even.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6115914.html
Microsoft sued over Forefront security brand
Date: 09/15/06
(Security) Keywords: software, security, microsoft
Maker of software for construction companies wants Microsoft to pick a different name for its business security software.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6116339.html
может быть и баян, но я смеялсо
Date: 09/18/06
(Code WTF) Keywords: microsoft
// 1997 Microsoft Systems Journal
// If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
взято из Subclass.h
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/code_wtf/52084.html
Vista's European battleground
Date: 09/18/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
As the slippery due date draws near for the Windows release, Microsoft and the EU are now at odds over security features.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6116354.html
Cisco exec: Windows Vista is scary
Date: 09/18/06
(Security) Keywords: asp, security, microsoft
A senior security expert at the networking giant says that aspects of Microsoft's new operating system are worrying.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6116823.html
Dell, Symantec team on e-mail security
Date: 09/20/06
(Security) Keywords: software, microsoft
Joint offering aims to deliver Dell hardware with Symantec software to protect Microsoft Exchange-based systems.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6117467.html
Mozilla looks to Microsoft for security
Date: 09/21/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: browser, security, web, microsoft
Q&A Window Snyder, formerly of Microsoft, now heads up security at Mozilla, the company best known for its open-source Firefox Web browser.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6118060.html
Security pros provide interim IE patch
Date: 09/22/06
(Security) Keywords: browser, microsoft
Third-party fix plugs a Microsoft browser hole that's increasingly being exploited in cyberattacks.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6118672.html
In an attempt to reinvent the wheel...
Date: 09/26/06
(C Sharp) Keywords: web, microsoft, google
...my brain has decided that it can't remember what a circle is. Worse yet, the internet has no definition for "circle," or else my ability to use google search has terribly degraded.
Two intensely, incredibly stupid questions, for which I apologize profusely before we even begin. Both refer to a winform* I have to rebuild thanks to an executive-level decision to change the structure of its underlying table. This winform has a large number of databound controls, all of which tie to one bindingsource and its tableadapter. (This, BTW, is in VS 2005 Standard.)
* i.e., "winform" as opposed to "webform".
1. Two of the controls ar DateTimePickers, dtpEffective and dtpExpiration. All of the other simple controls are changing every time the value of the "main" control (cboName) is changed, but I cannot for the life of me figure out the correct property to set to get the DTPs to change from their default values of '1/1/1900' and '[insert current date here]'. Presently, both Text and Value are set to be bound to the table column that contains the date in question; I have tried it with just Text and just Value bound, and have gotten similar results with each of those options. What's the obvious binding I'm missing to get the DTPs to change with everything else?
2. One of the simple controls is txtID (not surprisingly, a text box containing an ID number). The complex control-- there's only one-- is a datagridview, dgRates. At present, dgRates vomits up the entire CombinedRateData table when the form runs. This makes sense, because I have not incorporated a WHERE clause into the Fill() query. Here's brainfart #2: I can't remember how to turn "txtID.Text" into a parameter that the query will understand, because I am entirely too sleepy, and every time I search for this on the web, I end up back at Microsoft's "How to create a master/detail form using two datagridviews" walkthrough. (Which is cool, but not applicable.)
Thank you, and again, you have my humble apologies for consulting you on such trivial matters. My brain has just decided to switch itself off this afternoon, and I can't kick it back into gear.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/76120.html
MSN to air live Webcasts of concerts
Date: 09/27/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: web, microsoft
Microsoft's Web portal strikes deal to stream performances at 36 live events. Online viewers will see them for free.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6120026.html
Symantec: Microsoft won't give us key Vista tech
Date: 09/27/06
(Security) Keywords: software, security, spyware, microsoft
Security rival says Microsoft is withholding spyware APIs for Windows update, but software giant denies it.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6120219.html
European rivals turn wary eye on Microsoft
Date: 09/28/06
(Security) Keywords: security, microsoft
With Netscape's fate in mind, small European security firms are trying to gauge Microsoft's impact on their business.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6120476.html
The "Vista RC1 did this" thread
Date: 09/29/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: microsoft
Let's start listing the stuff that Vista RC1 did to you while you're trying to test it.
What did it do to me today:
-In the middle of playing a media file on Media Player Classic, the monitor went on suspend (with the sound still playing of course...) and when I got it out of suspension the OS basically went BUCKING BRONCO on me (that's the best description I could come up with, what with the screen going nuts) until the program went into some kind of zombie state where it was still "playing" the file while I frantically tried to stop the program.
Methinks that it'll be RC5 until Microsoft get this schizoid thing working properly
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/984742.html
Yahoo in deal to feature services on HP computers
Date: 09/29/06
(Web Technology) Keywords: yahoo, microsoft
Yahoo to become default search in Microsoft IE7 for HP machines; users also will see co-branded Yahoo/HP toolbar.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6121121.html
Another zero-day threat hits Windows
Date: 09/29/06
(Security) Keywords: microsoft
Sample code that exploits a yet-to-be-fixed Windows flaw is circulating. Microsoft plans to deal with it on the next Patch Tuesday.
Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6121236.html
Did open source kill the component business?
Date: 09/29/06
(Open Source) Keywords: microsoft
For over a decade I've been hearing the same hype. The way to IT productivity is to build applications out of components.
For a time, the building of component models (like Microsoft's DCOM) was one of the computer media's best spectator sports.
But has open source simply replaced the component model with simple instances?
That's what Mark [...]
Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=800