1. Case Sensitive URLs on Windows

    Date: 04/30/05 (Apache)    Keywords: apache

    I'm running an Apache server on Windows as a development server for a bunch of different sites. The issue I'm having is that because each project is in it's own directory, but the production server will but the root of the domain (normally) it will run on, this presents a problem with self generating URLs a script may write. For the most part scripts have the case for the root of the project as it was typed in, but I noticed that all current links to one project is not the case as what the script expects, and as a result, a logout function I added broke because of the fact the path for the cookie is different than the cookie I want to delete, and it make it appear as though the session is not logged out because the wrong cookie was overwritten (link to the logout script is created using a different case than the URL)

    My question is (to prevent blocks of code to overcome this in my scripts to run when on the development server) if there's a way to tell Apache to use case sensitive URLs on Windows (to emulate UNIX)

    Expected results:
    -http://server/Path - page
    -http://server/path - 404

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/18997.html

  2. 5 Simple Steps to Integrate Tomcat 5.5 with Apache 2.0

    Date: 05/04/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: web, linux, apache

    The simplest configuration is described. It assumes you already have Tomcat 5.5 and Apache 2.0 (instructions for Apache 1.3 is also provided) installed and running. The instructions are applicable (have been tested) for Windows as well as Linux platform. Assume you want to map test directory of Apache to the mytest web application of Tomcat. Change [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/5-steps-to-integrate-tomcat-55-with-apache-20/

  3. LAMP vs. Microsoft

    Date: 05/11/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, asp, sql, security, linux, microsoft, apache

    I have to do a report my class Technical Writing. I have chosen to do a report on the LAMP Architecture vs. Microsoft Line of products. LAMP being Linux, Apache Server, MySQL, and PHP. Microsoft being Microsoft Windows, IIS Server, MS SQL Server, and ASP.NEt. What do you guys think is best? Are there any security flaws in one or the other? Which is more efficient altogether?
    If you could help me with this, I would be very appreciative.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/197774.html

  4. Crikey is LAMP ever fast...

    Date: 05/19/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: cms, php, templates, mysql, sql, linux, apache

    I don't know why I never thought to do it before, but I put some benchmarking code into my CMS project today (PluggedOut CMS) - and was somewhat astounded at how quickly it's throwing pages back at me.

    For an "un-cached" page, it's throwing things back in around 0.004 seconds, which I thought was damn fast... but get this - if I cache the page (so it doesn't have to bother building it from templates etc...) - it took just under 0.0004 seconds on average.

    I don't know of a better advert for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP quite frankly.

    For those interested, the testing is on a Athlon 64 3200 (2.8Ghz), with 1Gb RAM, and a 160Gb HDD. It has Mandrake X64 on it.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/299782.html

  5. reverse proxying --> mega slow

    Date: 05/21/05 (Apache)    Keywords: web, hosting, apache

    [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    hello all -- i don’t know where else to ask my question, so here we go. first, background on my setup. i have two webservers on an internal network, each to be responsible for hosting a unique site. i have one public IP, and all port 80 traffic is being forwarded to a third machine running mac os x server. so obviously, there would need to be some high level packet rewriting to get these requests to the correct box via the mac os x server machine. the solution? well besides acquiring another public ip (or two), reverse proxying (right?)

    the problem at the moment is that it is slow as balls. see for yourself --> http://mczapp.darktech.org (click on a japan page). the pictures come up pretty slow. compare this to behind the firewall (http://192...), the images and pages load lightning quick. what’s the deal? is it just by virtue of reverse proxying? my friend says no, based on his experience. is it that mac os x server’s apache build is just fucked/bloated like whoa? i mean, the computer is fast enough to be doing this, too. should i do precaching (i don’t even know how to do that).

    Listen *:80
    Port 80
    NameVirtualHost *:80

    ## default virtual host ###
    # if someone gets to this server with an invalid virtualhost URL
    # it’ll default to this configuration because it’s listed first

    DocumentRoot /var/docroot
    ServerName default.mcdefaulty.com
    Options -Indexes

    ######### John’s websites #########

    DocumentRoot /var/docroot/zero.darktech.org
    ServerName zero.darktech.org
    Options -Indexes
    ErrorLog “/var/log/httpd/zero.darktech.org-error.log”
    CustomLog “/var/log/httpd/zero.darktech.org-access.log” combined

    # Proxy stuff
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /

    DocumentRoot /var/docroot/mczapp.darktech.org
    ServerName mczapp.darktech.org
    Options +Indexes
    ErrorLog “/var/log/httpd/mczapp.darktech.org-error.log”
    CustomLog “/var/log/httpd/mczapp.darktech.org-access.log” combined

    # Proxy stuff
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /

    in case there is something i’m forgetting. i don’t know enough about reverse proxying to really troubleshoot, so i submit to the wisdom of the lj comm.

    thanks for your help =D

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/19923.html

  6. Installation

    Date: 05/22/05 (Apache)    Keywords: php, apache

    I am wanting to install Apache on my XP (w sp2), so that I can test my PHP scipts. However, I do not have a domain name in the instal wizard, what should I put if I don't have a domain name, server name as I just want it to run on my one computer ? Does it even matter ?
    (I'm hoping this makes sense)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/20146.html

  7. OT: ProFTPD Community

    Date: 06/04/05 (Apache)    Keywords: apache

    I've created a ProFTPD community, '[info]'proftpd. It is meant to mirror '[info]'apache in style and in purpose, only for ProFTPD instead of Apache.

    I figured members of this community would appreciate knowing about a ProFTPD community. If a community promotion such as this is unwelcome, please accept my apologies--let me know and I will delete this entry ASAP.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/21104.html

  8. Dynamic Subdomain Generation

    Date: 06/04/05 (Apache)    Keywords: css, xml, web, apache

    I've been looking around, trying to find information about how I should go about setting up a system for dynamic subdomain generation. Here's the way I currently have to create a new subdomain:

    1. Add the Virtual Host to httpd.conf
    2. Request that the subdomain be added to my Web host's DNS (I'm using a VDS)
    3. Wait for the changes to propagate
    4. Hope that what I asked for is what I really wanted
    5. GOTO STEP 1 As Needed
    I feel that I should be able to create subdomains (img.cparker15.com, xml.cparker15.com, css.cparker15.com, dtd.cparker15.com, etc.) on the fly. Is there a way to accomplish this with Apache and/or an Apache module?

    I've heard things about mod_rewrite, but I don't know where to begin, if mod_rewrite is even a viable solution.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/20897.html

  9. The PHP/mySQL issue

    Date: 06/07/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, apache

    Here's what I have
    Apache 1.3.33
    PHP 5.0.4
    MySQL 4.1.12a
    Operating System: Windows 98

    The error that I got when I tried using mysql_connect() on a php page:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

    Things that I have done so far:
    Apache, mySQL, and PHP are in directories on the C drive, named accordingly

    in php.ini, this is what I changed (change in italics)
    doc_root = "C:\Apache\htdocs"
    extension_dir "C:\php\ext"

    Removed the ";" in front of extension = php_mysql.dll (Is there supposed to be quotation marks on this line?)

    Saved a copy of php.ini (after these changes) in the C:\Windows directory
    Saved copies of c:\php\libmysql.dll & c:\php\ext\php_mysql.dll to the C:\Windows directory

    What else am I missing?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/206980.html

  10. The PHP/mySQL issue

    Date: 06/07/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, apache

    Here's what I have
    Apache 1.3.33
    PHP 5.0.4
    MySQL 4.1.12a
    Operating System: Windows 98

    The error that I got when I tried using mysql_connect() on a php page:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

    Things that I have done so far:
    Apache, mySQL, and PHP are in directories on the C drive, named accordingly

    in php.ini, this is what I changed (change in italics)
    doc_root = "C:\Apache\htdocs"
    extension_dir "C:\php\ext"

    Removed the ";" in front of extension = php_mysql.dll (Is there supposed to be quotation marks on this line?)

    Saved a copy of php.ini (after these changes) in the C:\Windows directory
    Saved copies of c:\php\libmysql.dll & c:\php\ext\php_mysql.dll to the C:\Windows directory

    What else am I missing?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php_dev/58220.html

  11. Transparent Authentication with Apache and NT Authentication?

    Date: 06/16/05 (Apache)    Keywords: php, html, web, linux, apache

    Hey all! I'm a newbie with .htaccess and authentication, and I'm trying to set up some transparent authentication on an Win 32 web Server.

    It's like this: We have an intranet and we wish to protect our precious admin pages. I have the folder protected with an .htacess file that references a user/pass file, (Everything works just fine this way,) but we would like to modify it as follows:

    We are using Apache 2.0.53 and using the module mod_auth_sspi.so for NT authenticaion. This module let's us capture the NT usernames in an environment variable. (Which makes it convenient for saying "hi" to people through our PHP CGI's.) What we would like to do is restrict access to the admin folder without having any of the administrators enter a user and pass everytime they a'wander to an admin page. So basically,

    - how can we get .htaccess to reference the environment variable for the username? (I'm assuming that's a possibility.)

    - How can we set it up so that it doesn't ask for a user/pass, but rather just blocks out non-admins? (If that's even possible!)

    One way that we have tried to do this already is by using the mod_ntml module, which would give us the ability to perform transparent authentication, but unfortunately the only available binary of this module is only compatible with Apache 1.3. If you try using it with 2.0, the server won't restart. There is a mod_ntml available for Apache 2.0, but it's only an uncompiled linux version. (At least the only ones I've found have been.) What I need is either another way of setting up this transparent authenticaion, or I need to get my hands on a binary version of mod_ntml 2.0 for Win 32. (Still scouring the internet, and have e-mailed someone at Sourceforge.net.)

    My .htaccess file is very basic, since I'm new to this. Here it is:

    authtype Basic
    authname "OUR_INTRANET"
    authuserfile /html/auth/qausers.pas

    Order allow,deny
    allow from none
    require valid-user
    satisfy any

    Thanks everybody!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/21451.html

  12. SOAP in Python

    Date: 06/19/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, web, apache

    Has anyone built a SOAP based application in Python? I was looking at using Mod_Python under apache to create some web services and wanted to get some feedback. Its going to be that or use PHP at which I am already quite familiar. The greater control over apache offered by Mod_Python vs PHP and the ability to have byte compiled files pre built are making me take a good look at Python for this.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/211780.html

  13. FilesMatch

    Date: 06/22/05 (Apache)    Keywords: apache


    I have record


    in my .htaccess file. Writing it, I tryed to match only requests, that do not contain "~". But it does not work - for example, request "/~aaa" match this rule. Don't anybody know why?

    Thanks in advance, Michael.

    P.S. I have Apache/1.3.31 (Win32)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/21967.html

  14. Testing on the fly data compression in Apache

    Date: 06/23/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql, apache

    I had an interesting question come up? How much of a speed improvement (if any) will I get by installing mod_deflate on apache?

    I would think that it would be a good bit but without some sort of test I have no way of knowing. So I wrote a Test Program It requires mozilla or firefox to run but if people here would be willing to help me out It would be very good. It is not very hard. Just click on that link and then click the “run test” button. It will take over from there. It will take a few minutes to run.

    Please note that this test requires Mozilla or Firefox to run.

    You don’t have to send me the output, as it will store all the timing data in a MySQL database.

    I’ll post a summery here when this is done.

    Thank you once again.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/214042.html

  15. Failure of PHP to work with Apache / MySQL

    Date: 07/03/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, google, apache

    I turned on my computer last night and found that PHP was refusing to communicate with MySQL - I could make MySQL work through the command line and through Perl, but not through PHP. I checked everything that I could think of and everything I could find on google without any joy. I have spent about 8 hours messing with this now and I'm getting nowhere. I've uninstalled and reinstalled php & mod_php so many times today that I've lost count. My latest idea was to uninstall php, mod_php, and apache. I've reinstalled Apache, php, and mod_php (in that order) but now PHP refuses to work with Apache. I've added APACHE2_OPTS="-D PHP5" to the apache config in /etc/conf.d/apache2 but it hasn't made any difference.

    I'm running Gentoo with Apache 2.0.54, PHP 5.0.4 (along with mod_php 5.0.4), and MySQL 4.0.24.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I can make it work again as I'm going insane here and feel like throwing the computer out of the window...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/314431.html

  16. Content Negotiation in Apache 2

    Date: 07/10/05 (Apache)    Keywords: php, html, apache

    I've set up content negotiation according to http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/content-negotiation.html (using Options MultiViews in my Directory sections), and it all sort of works. Kind of.

    To test things, I've created a file in the root of my server called phpinfo.php. In it, I'm calling PHP's phpinfo() function. If I call the file with its extension, I get the expected results. However, if I call the file without its extension, I get a prompt to download a file of type appliation/x-httpd-php named phpinfo.

    Here is the relevant section of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default (which is a link to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default):

            DocumentRoot /var/www/
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride None
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
                    # This directive allows us to have apache2's default start page
                    # in /apache2-default/, but still have / go to the right place
                    RedirectMatch ^/$ /apache2-default/
    I have the information for parsing PHP in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (actually, it was already there; I merely had to uncomment it):
    AddCharset shift_jis   .sjis
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    AddType application/x-tar .tgz
    The reasoning behind using MultiViews right now instead of type-maps is because I don't want to have to define type-maps for every single file/resource I'm going to provide. If a type-map doesn't exist for a resource, content negotiation will fall back to MultiViews.

    Am I missing something? Obviously, I am. Why am I being prompted to download the file? Why isn't the file being parsed by the server, like I'm telling it to?

    NOTE: I had content negotiation working with Apache 1.3. It was only when I upgraded to Apache 2 that it stopped working as expected.

    cross-posted to '[info]'cparker

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/22070.html

  17. Another Content Negotiation Problem (Only This One's Real!)

    Date: 07/17/05 (Apache)    Keywords: apache

    I've got a question about content negotiation... Basically, I'd like to know if there's a way to make type-maps and the MultiViews option work side-by-side. I'd like to utilize both within the same directory. Right now, the only way I can access a resource via type-map is by specifying the .var extension in the URL, even though ".var" isn't part of the resource name.

    If I don't specify the .var extension in the URL, then MultiViews takes over. To test things out, if you visit http://img.cparker15.com/bushcheney04 you get one of three formats of images, all with the same base (resource) name; a PNG, a GIF, or a JPEG. If you visit http://img.cparker15.com/bushcheney04.var, then you get a text file, which I've specified in the type-map (.var file) to have the highest "quality".

    Here is my type-map file:

    URI: bushcheney04

    URI: bushcheney04.txt
    Content-type: text/plain; qs=0.800

    URI: bushcheney04.png
    Content-type: image/png; qs=0.600

    URI: bushcheney04.gif
    Content-type: image/gif; qs=0.400

    URI: bushcheney04.jpg
    Content-type: image/jpeg; qs=0.200
    Any ideas on how I can get this to work the way I need it to work? Basically, I need type-maps to be processed before MultiViews, and if a type-map doesn't exist, then MultiViews takes over and effectively creates its own type-map. The setup that I need isn't explained in any of the documentation.

    Here's an excerpt from one of my conf files in sites-available:
                    AddHandler type-map .var
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride None
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
    cross-posted from #apache on DALnet and to '[info]'cparker

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/22990.html

  18. semophores

    Date: 07/18/05 (Apache)    Keywords: crm, apache

    I often get this problem where apache (and apache-ssl) end up using so many semophores I can't launch them again or they even shut themselves off.

    I'm currently running both servers as seperate daemons rather than using apache with mod-ssl. Don't ask me why it just ended up that way. Anyway I've had this problem before I installed apache-ssl so I'm pretty sure it's not the fact that I'm running both that's causing it.

    I can clear the semophores by shutting down the servers and issueing this command:

    ipcs -s -t | cut -f 1 -d " " | egrep "^[0-9]+$" | xargs ipcrm sem

    but I'd like to hear if anyone else has had this kind of issue and if anyone has come up with a solution. I'd prefer to get it to run without me having to restart the servers every few days.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/apache/23285.html

  19. Lame Nerd Question

    Date: 07/20/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, linux, hosting, apache

    Here's what's happening:

    My company seems to be dragging its feet on upgrading the Solaris server on which I'm supposed to be running this website I'm developing. I've been hosting on my own external server, and when this summer internship is over, I have to move everything over regardless of whether or not the server is ready.

    Consequently, people in my department are trying to hunt down an extra Unix box for me to use as a pseudo-server until the real server is (finally) upgraded.

    So here's my question:

    I've only touched Unix very remotely, as in using an SSH command-line console with my school's web server. I'm a little familiar with basic Linux commands, but that's about it. How difficult would it be for someone like me (who only uses Linux when she has to for classes) to install Apache, PHP, and MySQL...as well as migrate over my existing website (currently running on a Red Hat 9 server with Apache, PHP 4.x, and MySQL 3.2.3 or something similar)?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/730050.html

  20. Features I'd Like To See (Anyone know if they exist?)

    Date: 07/27/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: seo, apache

    One easy, one hard.

    1) Sounds for various Firefox events. You know, starting with the basics like a click when you select a link - ala IE. Perhaps a light tick when you mouseover a link, then a solid click when you select it. Possibly other sound events, user configurable of course. Is there an addon that I can use to add this?

    Next, a bit harder. I was thinking - how can I visualize my frequently visited bookmarks in some other way than simply a toolbar? How can I combine this with the concept of a customised homepage? I run Apache on my local system to give myself a custom homepage, but that doesn't seem to give me a lot of options as I'm not an advanced programmer. So, feature 2:

    2) Bookmark "Gallery View".... This would be sortof like the multi-surf on TV sets where you can see a 4x4 grid of channels, so you can see 16 at a time, see what's on all of them, either select one or go to the next 16. I'd love to see this in FireFox. I would see a grid of "thumbnails" of my most frequently visited bookmarks. Maybe 3x2 would work best. It could either be images of the page, or could actually be frames, but either way it would be a *live* thumbnail. That way I could see at a glance which one had updates. The pages would be scaled down so I could see more than just the top corner, and you'd click it (or a button below) for a full-sized version.

    Anyone know of such addons/utilities?

    (EDIT): Here's a link to a mockup a guy did that basically gives the idea of what I'm asking for: Bookmarks Gallery View. As far as I can tell, it's just a mockup. Plus, I'd like to see it take advantage of broadband and actually load the pages live for the thumbnail (only 4 at a time on-screen for example, to prevent slamming your whole list)...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/301399.html

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